Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Why did Y/A put Divorce in the Marriage section?

Marcel Then: Isn't it a bit like Family - where everything is under one umbrella? Or law? Government? etc.

Bryant Pillitteri: Divorce is the procedure used to end marriage. And no, its not inevitable. Plenty of people still stay together, it just takes more tries than before.

Mitsuko Manne: It is directly related and the issues will overlap. Home and Garden.. is a garden inevitable when you buy a home?

Mee Blumenfeld: I would guess it's because most of the people getting divorces are married...

Jimmie Doerfler: you really don't know the answer to your question ?

Rayford Speziale: Because it's a possibility and because no sane person who wants to get married would want to ignore any and all discussions about divorce.Divorce is a REAL deal-breaker -- more so for men, so its best place is in a forum which allows for discussions about marriages.

Derick Kinnard: No, it's because you can't get divorced unless you get married first.

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