Sunday, July 5, 2020


Lue Podewils: The strong feeling of blood rushing through my veins, and taking all my anger onto someone else.

Christiane Cattano: Well a long distance realtionship can only endure and be strongly united if both partners are commited to fully trust each other with this distance and will never be TEMPTED to cheat. If a story is very strong, temptation will never happen between one of the partners, and so a long distance relationship could survive until both finally unite again.

Loise Mausser: sometimes. depends on what ur lookin for

Bruce Calise:

Paul Maymi: It depends on your age, and how serious you truly are. If this is your first real relationship don't hold your breath. Most people get their heart broke from their first love and it really teaches you a lot. Don't put your whe heart in it if you can only to protect yourself. Learn from the time together. If it grows into something stronger than fantastic! If it starts to fade, let it go...God h! as a different path for you. It can be hard but it will make you a stronger person and allow yourself to have a standard to what you ACTUALLY want. Not just what comes along. In closing, don't tie yourself down to a guy if you both honestly WANT AND SEE each other together for LIFE. But for real, I don't regret any good or bad love I had. I learned a lot and it led me to my perfect guy today :)...Show more

Jeannine Vassie: Yes because you never know if that person is cheating

Pearlie Medora: Long distance relationships could work if your both fully committed to it and hopelessly in love helps a lot

Rosie Travino: Girls want the D, its either Dollar or D!ck or Both...

Elinore Schlinker: Not all the time. You can make it work. It's hard trust me. When you live far away you want to be able to physically see them and date them but you can't. Sending letters in the mail and gifts that remind you of them will keep the romance going. Plan a visit to where ! they are to make sure everything is good and then when the tim! e is right just move there or have them move to you. I was having a hard time in my current ldr with not being there and missing him but then we decided the distance was too much to bear so I moved to where he was recently and things are going good....Show more

Ty Kirton: My boyfriend lives a forty minute bus journey away and it dosent bother any of us it is working perfect and we both love each other to pieces x it really depend on how strong the feeling are and how serious you want the relationship to be x you also need a lot of trust coz you won't be with that person everyday

Craig Virani: Relationship is understanding between two person.

Booker Warlick: My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and the first 1.5 years was long distance. He lived in England ans I lived in the U.S. But yes, it depends on your level of commitment and seriousness. My boyfriend and I are still happy together. The long distance was the hardest thing we ever did, but ! if you can stay loyal and love each other through that, you can make it through almost anything. If I was you, however, I would think long ans hard about if I am willing to sacrifice everything in order to go to wherever they are and so does your partner. Like any relationship, it requires a lot of sacrifice. So just make sure you're ready for a lot of frustration and giving. If you can pull through the times you're apart, it makes being together even more special....Show more

Gaston Edgcomb: Hey hun,It depends on the conditions and how serious your relationship is. My best and most serious relationship was long distance. For me, as long as he didn't make out or have a sexual relationship with another girl, I was cool. Just make your relationship as open as possible. My boyfriend told me if he grabs another girls boobs or bum. And I would tell him if some guy grabbed my asss at some party. Don't have double standards or you'll screw everything up. He had many close fe! male friends, and i would let him go out with the 2 that i knew that no! thing would happen. As for me, i had a couple of good guy friends. I know one of them liked me, so i never hung out with him much.Good luckxoxox...Show more

Felipa Nosis: Not all, my ldr was successful

Carter Dewater:

Alberto Kozub: Yea of course. A successful guy

Violette Vanek: Yep

Debora Rinderer: If you really love each other then distance wont matter.

Eldridge Rieves: I agree with dawn. Not every woman is the same.

Booker Warlick: no not always. sometimes it's the best way..

Sherri Drakos: not really i had one once but u never know if the guys cheating on u and its kinda hard to keep the whole trust thing going

Tyree Allenbrand: Just curious. Does it get sooo bad that it effects their grades in school or anything like that?

Geraldo Mccalla: Nah bruh

Lu Snide: the loss of intimacy and sexual pleasures bring frustration and friction in long distance relationships. but if both of you are okay with that sh! ould be fine. as long as your sexting or video chatting.

Russel Gajate: I am technically in one now. I lived in PA and he in MI but he travels for work which is how we met. Some months later when it was time for him to go home he told me I should visit. So I did. Then he asked me to move in with him. So I went home and gave my two weeks notice at work. And now I live with him. I have lived here almost two years now. In August it will be. we have an eight month old son together. He still travels for work which is why I say I technically am. He is in MT right now. You just need to trust each other and really love each other. True sometimes they end bad and with cheating. But you don't want to not take this chance. It could work out. You won't know if you don't try....Show more

Rheba Cockman: Do guys only want sex?

Arlen Decorte: I dont think they work that well!!! People get lonely!!!

Jefferson Sarson: It really brings out the confidence so they are ex! cited and feeling really good about themselves. However it shouldn't ge! t to the point where something as important as school is affected but it can happen because chances are the girl/guy that likes you is in at least one class.

Will Camus: Unfortunately they don't work out. I had a long-distance relationship but i had to dump him because he didn't want to date me anymore!! It usually doesn't work.

Bob Pucella: I believe long distance relationships can work out. Don't have doubt in your relationship. There is Skype, phonecalls, letters, emails, Facetime (I'm not sure if you can overseas). Social media overall. Whatever the type of relationship that it may be you stick together and anything is possible. God bless you!

Mario Stricklan: 1

Micah Schwarcz: drugs, no money, people today live in a fast world

Geraldo Mccalla: It really depends on you! If you two love eachother enough then it can turn out to be amazing, but if you don't then things could be alittle tough. You have to decide how much energy and effort ou wa! nt to put into it and go from there! Make sure both people are on the same page as to how things are going to work, like are you going to date other people or what not

Angelyn Ducas: Depends on how far , have yall met befor ?

Tory Clapper: Not necessarily. Love is love and if it's meant to be it will be under no circumstances. I was recently in Phuket for a holiday and I believe my relationship was ruined because of it, because I came back single.. But as I said if it's true love it will work. Just like my boyfriend and I. We worked things out once I got back... It's only going to work if you's put in the same amount of effort and truly want it to work. Involving trust and loyalty...Show more

Salvatore Walls: I've been in one and know from first hand experience that they can be very difficult to maintain over the long run. You need to each commit to talking on the phone frequently, visiting each other as often as possible and always have a plan or idea fo! r the next visit. It can work but it takes a strong committment.

Tereasa Sorensen: I am sure that long distance relationships don't work. How could they when two People are so far away from each other?!

King Bringle: Yes, unless you have a long distance penis.

Georgina Natal: I guess

Nannie Kasee: No. Lady's want someone who will love them,be there for them, to tell them that she means everything to him, to make her feel safe ect. Lady's like to get box of chocolate or be asked if they need or want something from store even if we don't. Money can't make you happy ! Only thing that can make you happy is being with the right person ect.

Ester Bryand: It depends on the distance and your resources and scheduling-time to see each other. There are a lot of great ways to stay connected. Trying sharing a mutual calendar...

Dalila Yoon: honestly it can work. don't just give up cause most people say it doesn't. i mean, worst comes to worst it doesn't work out... at least you won't regret it and wonder if it would hav! e ever worked out.

Cliff Jacoby: if you both in love with each other then distance is nothing , so no they are good

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