Monday, July 20, 2020

An idea for a board game for the future?

Silvia Stclair: problematic subject. query on yahoo and bing. it can help!

Madie Strople: There's an excellent game I suggest you look at called Chrononauts. Essentially you have cards laying out a timeline, and cards in your hands with which you alter the timeline. Each player is from an alternate future, and the goal is to change time so that yours in the future that actually happens.

Toby Caswell: Have a look at these sites. They will help you with general ideas about making board games. They have a lot of good information.http://blogs.msdn.com/templates/archive/2008/03/13...http://www.ehow.com/how_2046016_make-board-game.ht...http://www.ehow.com/how_2151158_math-facts-board-g...http://www.ehow.com/how_2130459_own-board-game-pro...http://www.sloperama.com/advice/lesson20.html...Show more

Von Houskeeper: Aplothemiera Its a game that will determine whether or not you are good enough to play HypnoMarsoperthimia A game that takes place underwater and ! you work through multiple levels to beat your score which was what it was in Aplothermia but if you got a bad score below 60 Quants then you have to go back and defeat the evil GornotreTglaliusoPternamterSmack an if you get higher you continue on to normal gameplay!

Judie Kise: I am feeling a vision of the future coming in, ah I see it now the board game of the future will be a game returned from the past, it will be chess.

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