Friday, July 24, 2020

What's the best hobby?

Minh Lefrancois: First off, "expensive" is a VERY relative term, so everyone answering must make assumptions. That said, "bird watching" as an active hobby involves a lot of expenses un-thought of, such as: Travel, Photography (to record finds), etc.Alternative choice: "bird watching on the internet".You obviously have internet access of some sort. So surf the web to foreign and domestic locations and print out pictures of each kind of bird you find. FREE except for printing expenses.Good luck!...Show more

Venetta Coulbourne: knitting!! If you go to walmart you can get yarn and needles for only $3 (total)

Ulrike Hert: fishing , drawing , reading stories

Thomas Riner: u chose a really interesting and uncommon hobby.u need the following equipments1]binoculars [thats' it]2] a faunatic place3]a place of height....Show more

Bell Pasco: Paintball is a fun hobby to get into. After you buy all your equipment all the expence you will have is the entry ! fee and of course the paitballs. you can buy 500 round for $20. the equipment can be expensive but it doesent have to me. The guns go for $150-$500.Also you are going to have to buy a mask. you can't play without one. and you are going to need your warrior outfit. So your initial hit on money would be close to $500 but after that it wont be expensive at all. And trust me A LOT OF FUN....Show more

Emerita Sciandra: Model Railroading ! http://www.greatesthobby.com/Some might say "GOODNESS, that is FAR to expensive!!" BUT...Go to that website, find a CLUB near you, and you can get involved with JUST your time. Volunteering to help build things, landscape, paint, etc.You can learn whether or not you LIKE the hobby for ALMOST zero monetary investment.Of course if you build your OWN layout, you're looking at spending Thousands....Show more

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