Saturday, July 4, 2020

Are there such things as Friday weddings?

Gregory Dilg: Yes, some people have their weddings on Friday.. usually in the evening. I've had a couple of friends who did that.

Darwin Ecton: Looking at the other aspect side -- you wouldn't be able to get married in a Catholic church or by a Catholic priest if your BF isn't Christian in some aspect.Your best bet, if he isn't going to go by strict Muslim doctrine and you aren't going by Catholic dictate, is to do a more non-religious wedding or be married by a justice of the peace.

Ronny Nowzari: Yes. I work at a restaurant that does weddings. Of the 100+ weddings we do each year, about 20 are on Fridays, and another 10-12 are held on Sundays. While they are obviously not nearly as popular as Saturdays, people choose them for a variety of reasons, but mostly because they love our location, but all the Saturdays are booked for the month or season they want to have their wedding.

Cecil Derenzi: They have say in everything. It just documents the planning ! process through fruition with their wedding planners.There is another show were the bride doesn't get to choose anything and their honeymoon is paid for. The name escapes me right now (although the nightmares do not).

Lynn Mctier: Yes!!!! Friday weddings are very common. In fact, three of the last six weddings I've attended have taken place on a Friday evening.It's becoming increasingly common because it's less expensive to be married on a Friday evening. Reception venues and other vendors charge less. I can't believe you think this is myth and not a reality. I attend my first Friday wedding about 3.5 years ago....Show more

Sammy Tabatt: All the vow renewals I have attended personally? They were brief ceremonies at the couple's regular place of worship, following a regular worship service. My suggestion would be to contact the clergy person at your parents' regular place of worship.At the vow renewals I have attended, some brides dressed more formal! ly than others, but none wore veils or trains. Some brides wor! e corsages, while others carried small bouquets.Each bride had one attendant only. Each groom had one attendant only.The men wore dark suits, not tuxes.Each couple followed the vow renewal with either a luncheon or party in their own home.One thinks simple and elegant when one is thinking vow renewal. Invitations could read:The honour of your presenceis requested at the reaffirmationof the wedding vows ofNAMESon DATEYEARat TIMELOCATIONADDRESSCITY, STATE...Show more

Victor Macallister: Like a Muslim wedding.Muslim men can marry non-Muslim women ONLY if the woman converts (submits) to Islam. Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men.Muslim women are the property of their nearest male relative, which would be your husband but would revert to his eldest brother if he dies. According to Islam, women do not have souls and you would be morally no different than a (valuable) cow.The first sign of trouble will be when your passport is taken away from you.You need ! to ask him - very directly - about these issues before you decide to actually marry him.-------------------------------Miss S is correct and it may depend on how conservative he is. Note that she does not contradict my statement about Muslim women being prohibited from marrying non-Muslims or the question of women having or not having a soul. She also doesn't address what happens after the wedding, and how any children will be educated.The Koran does accept Christians and Jews as "people of the book" (the Bible) and therefore not "infidels". That is a crucial distinction because the Koran instructs Muslims to KILL all "infidels" at every opportuntiy ("If you see an infidel there by the side of the road you should take out your sword and slay him"). However, Islamic extremists claim that only "true" Christians and Jews are not infidels, and THEY decide who is a "true" Christian or Jew.That goes back to my strong suggestion you directly question your potential fiancee about! his beliefs. You also need to read the Koran - it is avaialble at any! Borders or Barnes & Noble in the Classic Books section. I expect you will be enlightened with regard to the real character of Islam.

Wilbert Shellgren: Hello,I never do this, but I just want to say that James is WRONG, speaking as a Muslim woman: we are property of no one and a Muslim man can marry any woman who is "Al Kitab" or "of the book" in other words a Christian or Jewish woman.Back to the subject at hand. It really depends on if you want to have two ceremonies or just one. I think a blended ceremony in a neutral place like the beach or a Garden would be great. An Imam could be invited to read wisdom from the Quran and a Catholic priest to read from the Bible.I know plenty of Christian women (many now Muslim) who married Muslim guys and had really cool hybrid ceremonies i.e white wedding gown with Mehendi.If you want to have two weddings---on Catholic and the other Islamic that would work too.A lot of this depends on how conservative yours and his family are. ! I know some Muslims who are perfectly fine attending a Christian church and others who think it's a complete sin, and furthermore wouldn't think of going to a reception where non-Muslims and alchol would be present.I am sure if you talk to everyone involved and find out what you really want, your wedding will be great.Best of luck :)

Judie Kise: Sure there is. I got married on a friday.

Lawana Neemann: Depends what you are planning.I'd be much more concerned about what religion you would follow as a family - what the values and morals will be in your home. Which religion will you have your children follow - there's a world of difference between these two faiths! If you get married in the Catholic church, your spouse MUST agree to raise the children Catholic - and I don't foresee any Muslim agreeing to do that. Go talk to your parish priest.... and get pre-marital counselling.

Shon Almquist: ha ha. That is funny, I am watching that show right now.Ah to see ! how the other half live!!!some of those weddings are so extravagant!!

Ermelinda Stalnaker:

King Bringle: Well, if his family sits in front, and your in back... then it will look like most cabs driving around.

Jeannetta Gaffigan: Yes. I went to a co-worker's wedding and he celebrated it on a Friday night. This was about 2 years ago.

Cierra Gadbaw: Yes. My wedding was on a Friday.

Rick Duchane: Yes there are Friday night weddings. In fact they cost almost half as much on Fridays as they do on Saturdays.

Asley Quickle: You can get married any day of the week that is convenient to you, your bride and your families. Most people plan weddings on a Saturday simply because most people have that day off work. No other reason at all. My parents married on a Sunday and we married on a Friday evening.

Hunter Osterberger: Havent seen the show, but I doubt they get to pick the hotel. They probably have a deal with sponsors of the show.

Keven Drumgole: Until you have a ring on your finger don't imagine anythi! ng to do with weddings for the both of you.

Faviola Dewire: Skip both and go get married in Vegas

Fritz Hawkey: a glimpse of how crazy they look through the eyes of everyone else.

Becky Mosena: hmmm...u could have flowers, lots of colours of all kinds, u could have his symbol and ur symbol on diffent sides of the room or right next 2 each other with ur picture together under ityeah and u could have islamic dcoration and also the koran and bible of course

Carmelina Enoch: Good luck with the Burqa Sweetie.

Melissa Lavallie: a magic carpet and a wall and an angel bad mix no good cnt marry marry me i wnt u im horney im a catholic school gurl 4rm africa

Marcia Cheathan: For my parents' 20th anniversary, mt sister and I are planning a second wedding for them. What are some good, affordable ways to do this?

Sammy Kar: Yes. I've know several people who had one but I've never attended (or even been invited) to one on a Friday night.

W! ilfredo Muldoon: i think they cover the wedding planner

Marcelina! Schossow: It's not as common but I have been to 2 or 3 Friday night weddings.

Marielle Hedeiros: Some people like to have their weddings on Friday. I'm pretty sure you can have a wedding any day of the week. Just a personal choice.

Cierra Gadbaw: i thought they get their honeymoon paid for...

Olin Hallin: Does anybody knows what the couples featured in the show get besides the 3 complimentary nights in a Hotel? Do they get to pick the hotel at least?

Sammy Tabatt: Yes, my sister in law got married on a Friday. It's cheaper than getting married on a Saturday.

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