Sunday, July 12, 2020

What are some of the most common non alcoholic drinks at bars?

Gaynell Pizzaro: Just get a coke, from the distance it can have Jose Cuervo in it, maybe not. Just tell the bartender to include a little lime, it tastes good with the coke and it looks great in the cup. Alcohol lies in the eye of the beholder :) On the other hand, I find non-alcoholic beers depressing, they make me feel like I'm 14 all over again, pretending to be cool. Now if you are going for flavor, I would suggest a non-alcoholic strawberry daiquiri or a virgin piña colada.. yummy! Good Luck! :)...Show more

Gordon Showes: WATER

Conrad Puleio: Virgin Pina Coladas & Virgin Strawberry Daquiries. Definetely Shirley Temples. or jsut a soda water & lime.

Patrick Bitsui: A Shirley Temple ... Rofl

Ollie Desalvo: Prolly soft drinks like coke and sprite

Cristopher Gavalis: Bars generally stock Juices, including Orange, Cranberry and Pineapple, but they are often very sweet, just sip, and considr asking them to be mixed with Soda. I prefer to just! order a Soda-Lime. (I am not talking about Soda-Pop. This is fizzy and clear, but not sickeningly sweet) It's very refreshing. As with responsible drinking of alcohol, just Sip, never guzzle. (You'll also save money)Fresh Squeezed Juices are better for you, but you don't want to drink a lot of any simple sugar - unless you want diabetes...10 oz a day is enough. Fresh Juice is an option at the better Full Bars. At a decent brew Pub you can now get a brewed Ginger Ale or Root Beer. A variety of Coffees, Tea and italian Sodas are often also available...as well as Hot Drinks, like chocolate, or mulled cider. Ask your Server for a recommendation. Also when you order water, always ask for lemon or lime with it, it tastes better, and has major health benefits. Enjoy!...Show more

Cristopher Gavalis: strawberry daiquirisor just order any alcoholic drink and ask for it virgin :)

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