Tuesday, July 7, 2020

What is the best beer?

Alisa Kaleiwahea: Guinness

Cedric Grimstead: Whatever you like is the best

Shaun Rapkowicz: IceHouse IceHouse IceHouse

Francisco Schonhardt: idk but i like oktoberfest

Janean Guz: What ive heard its:CoronaBud LiteMillerTecateBud wiser...Show more

Olen Penhallurick:

Lupe Sancen: Back in the day Bennigans used to have Beer Masters, and I was one of them. We didn't brew, but we drank, and a-lot, and these are some of my favorites. Guinness, New Castle Brown Ale, Morretti Larossa Doppio Malto, Liene's Red , Labbats Blue, Fat Tire, Bass, Tsing Toa, Red Hook ESB, Peroni.

Blythe Noreiga: old style beer

Dexter Gold: Yuengling is the best beer.

Brittanie Zakutney: most any 3-2 beer cheap stuff. Mike

Mitchel Demry: Sam Adams Octoberfest, Winter Ale, or for the best light beer in the world: Sam Adams Light!Also notable: Any Dogfishhead or Smuttynose beers

Russel Gajate: The absolute BEST BEER EVER is Quilmes. ! It is from Argentina, and reasonably priced. It is full of flavor and not heavy at all. Everyone should try it atleast once!

Mack Ukich: Preferably something available at a local liquor store. What types and brands do you like most? Why?

Jed Porada: i really love budweiser

Johnny Sirko: China breweries appears to use formaldehyde.

Jonathon Labonne: Bud and Millers are not Beers they are Largers, They are made with a different enzyme, similar to European Largers, having a light flavour. Larger from the Czec Republic have a distinct flavour too. They are made with an enzyme developed in Plzn and are known as Pilsener Largers.UK has litterally hundreds of true Beers and Ales. These are bitter and supposed to be, they all have different flavours though, using different hops and malt.Traditionally pubs in UK used to serve either Mild, Bitter or Stout (think Guiness) which is nearly black.Nowadays a whole range of Largers from around the world are serve! d, including Bud Millers and Fosters from Auzz. There is also ! Leffe and other "Weiss beers" brewed using wheat and stay cloudy..You got onto my subject here man....lol.

Ollie Hamiel: If you really want a beer that doesn't taste like that, try a lambic. They're not cheap (like $5 for a 12oz bottle), but it's a very good beer, and it's unlike any other you've had.

Claudio Drullard: Very obtuse question.Wines vary so much that the same exact strain of grape will taste different when grown in a different vineyard 500 yds. away. Local liquor stores generally will not stock wine of any value, so in this case, "best tasting" is extremely objective, and most likely a wine flavored with fruit or the pedestrian White Zinfandel.

Stanton Valdivia: The best beer I have ever had is Smithwick's Irish Ale.I also enjoy the microbrews, and regional brews like Yuengling. Samuel Adams is also always a good choice.And I definitely agree that A-B, Miller, Coors, Corona, Natural Ice, Pabst, or any other brewer that places quantity over qu! ality is an insult to what beer is. In fact, it should not even be considered beer....Show more

Curtis Josef: as in: bud or miller or whatever, usually has a bitter taste. but, what other brands dont taste like that / bitter ?

Barton Morfee: if you are getting Chinese beer, i would worry. If its from any other country, i wouldn't worry, the rest of the world's governments usually keeps on top of things like this.you likely would be getting more formaldehyde from NutraSweet products, which supposedly breaks down into formaldehyde in the body, but its not bad to keep it all out of your system.

Vern Serratos: Guinness- IrelandSierra Nevada Pale- Ale AmericaPilsner Urquel-Check RepublicAnchor Steam- California (The US doesn't claim that state!)Fullers ESB- EnglandKroninberg- FranceCastlemaine- AustraliaRed Stripe- JamaicaCerveza Imperial - Costa RicaKuppers Kolsch- GermanyThere's a start for a beer trip around the world!...Show more

Adan Alipio: Shine! r BockSamual Adams

Justin Casten: It's not the brand, it's the st! yle that makes the difference. You've been drinking American styles (Amer. light, Amer. premium, Amer. standard). Instead, try one of the malty (as opposed to hoppy) styles: bock, wheat, Scottish, English . . . .

Peter Lapoint: Bells & Dogfishhead's IPAs, Schlafley Pumpkin, and anything that Unibroue makes.

Rodrigo Pezley: All macro-brews use some sort of preservatives, whether it is formaldehyde or some other combination of other preservatives... Bud, Miller, Coors, Labatt, Heineken, Corona, etc.Craft beers do not have any additives - the brewers pride themselves on creating all-natural products.

Kris Otuafi: He asked about beer!Bud, Bud Lite, Miller, MGD, Miller Lite, Coors, Coors Lite, Mich Ultra, Blue Moon, IceHouse are not beer.They are all recycled sweat off the ball sac of dead donkeys!!...Show more

Son Ahlers: Pinot Grigio

Ginny Trickett: I have said it before and I will say it again. There is only one correct answer to the question of! what is the absolute best beer in the world. WESTVLETEREN 12Case closed!...Show more

Nona Lentini: Bud, miller, and coors are all American Adjunct Lagers. I would stay away from them. I would try some craft micro brews.If you want something that doesn't taste bitter I'd try some beers that highlight the malts more than the hops. Some good styles to try would be an Altbier, Scotch Ale, Brown Ale, Porter or a Stout. As far as specific brands go I would recommend the Alaskan Amber, AleSmith Nut Brown Ale, Stone Smoked Porter, or the Rogue Chocolate Stout.The other thing you can do to help with the flavor is try pairing your beer with food. Brown Ales go great with any type of blue cheese (blue cheese burger, blue cheese steak, blue cheese polenta) or even hummus and pita bread. Stouts go great with dessert, especially ice cream. The Smoked Porter would go well with BBQ.

Jefferson Sarson: I have no ideal. They all taste bitter to me.

Angel Klym: i like...Mod! eloModelo NegraCoronaBudweiserBud LightHeineken...Show more

Inez ! Relihan: Natural ice...cheap...tasty...and strong...

Armando Somes: newqui breewn

Shelley Stevens: I have been working in the restaurant industry for a long time. I live on the East Coast (because that matters) and am currently tending bar in an airport restaurant - meaning I see lots of people from all over from all backgrounds on a daily basis. We have 2 local brews, Bud, Bud Lite, Heinekin, Corona, Miller Lite, Coors Lite, Mich Ultra, Guiness, Blue Moon & Yuengling. Yuengling is a hbig seller, but I know it can't be bought nationwide. Coors Lite is the typical older overweight guys drink. But recently our biggest seller is Blue Moon which is Coors Lite's version of a microbrew. And coming from a non-beer drinker I like Blue Moon too......Show more

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