Friday, July 17, 2020

drunk surfing?

Maria Bengston: no but you can get a ticket for being a retarded citizen intoxicated, please pull over to the curb of the information superhighway because you're being issued right now.

Ira Porietis: c

Clay Lipira: Whooo hooooo.........let's get drunk and be somebody!

Jarrod Darnall: hahaha no am refering to the two guys on here that seem to be drunk and are posting naughty questions about each other... isn't that something they should do in a bar? lol

Lourie Mcroberts: drunk is drunk does

Armanda Hertel: well, I don't drink so I don't surf drunk... but there should be something that we could do about them.. is there an Internet police??? maybe we could start one up and then get them for drunk surfing...

Alise Rutgers: Am not drunk but it gave me a laugh.

Jannette Kotz: its better than drunk driveing, the worse thing they can do is fall off the stool

Manual Burtis: No you can't be ticketed. And just because everyone else is! doing it doesn't mean that you should do it too.

Avis Brantner: Are you drunk now???? : )

Bob Pucella: a am drunk now see two computer now i have a beer now....am so drunk drink drank drunk

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