Sunday, July 19, 2020

What do you think of these plans for an amusement park?

Zora Mazzie: LMAO! you are a mean little gal aren't ya! i love it....tho.....i would make those that are stupid enough to climb 500 levels of stairs jump off and land where they may!

Raymundo Kyser: too high price, ride 3 is horrible, put in bathrooms and uhhhhhh i like ride 4 although some one might die on it from a heartattack

Alma Twomey: thats stupid

Karl Samiec: a few years ago i did something similar to this on RCT1, like make a steel coaster that was LIM launched and went off the track taking a full load of 50 ppl w/ it, the "Observation Platform" where id drag them up there and leave them w/ no food, drink, or bathroom for 10 "years", if i caught some1 leaving the park id dunk them in water and right before they drowned id pick them up again and repeat 10 times then let them have their eternal peace. on RCT2 id make a flame pit and leave them there. i even built one looping coaster that stopped at the top of the loop... forever LOL....Show mo! re

Cecil Derenzi: Interesting....I guess your not planning for any return customers.But from a marketing point of view maybe naming the first ride "Ride the Wind" might make the customers line up. Also, if you have no bathrooms and the guests are not allowed to leave for 12 days, the park is going to be a mess.But then again with all of the bodies flying out of the sky, it will tend to smell after a while anyway....Show more

Marvella Benward: No, I won't cancel plans. I've been paying 3.89 a gallon for premium for the past 6 months. What's another $20 when I've already spent $60 to fill the tank for almost a year.

Kenneth Blacker: No one will entre for that price. And the news paper will soon give the park a bad name.

Gladys Worthing: Sounds like someones been playing just a little too much Rollercoaster Tycoon. =)

Kenneth Blacker: these sounds good enough but 264 a day for only 4 things and no bathroom? where's the food stand and cots? who w! ill provide them for 12 days? try again... i know the game you! 're playing.

Charis Deguzman: is this some reality show?

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