Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How to think of jokes quicker?

Chastity Doderer: Being funny is very good thing. You feel nice when you be a reason to laugh. There are lots of jokes site on web. So just find and share the good jokes.

Antonette Shappy: funny

Catheryn Small: Never try to be funnyIt always backfiresGet more confidenceGet a joke book and read a fewEveryone will see right through you if you try to be funny all the time to get attentionResearch other people in your class that you consider 'funny'...Show more

Dorine Nurre: Being funny won't get you anywhere in life. If anything people will just laugh with you for now, and later on not take you seriously when you actually have a problem. If you start to be funny and people know you for it, if you end up losing your funny throne to another funny kid then you've got nothing going for you. You just end up being the kid that were funny.That being said, being funny is not something you can just do, it has to come naturally. Watch some comedians, find out wha! t makes people laugh. You need to have a quick wit, or at least not make it seem forced. If you're just waiting to drop a joke at the right moment, that moment will never come. If you decide to throw out a joke to people who are not ready to hear it, it becomes annoying. A great funny man must be able to keep a straight face, and just improv on a daily basis. Even now, what would you do if an evil three eyed dog that could hold a gun for some reason started shooting you with a truth ray? If you don't have anything you need to practice.Jokes are outdated, and most are not universally funny. Why did the guy walk into the bar? Ouch? Well har har har for the one person who never heard that one before. The rest of us cringe when we hear that one. What's that? a ship's steering wheel in your pants? Boring! A peanut was walking down the street and he was assaulted? NO, really?! Jokes just don't cut it anymore sonny. It's all about being spontaneous now and having ! a quick wit....Show more

Marya Fehn: use someone's words! and make from that

August Hubbard: It with everything in life saying them over and over. repetition, repetition, repetition. But be careful, I was a class clown but I didn't put my education first ! Now I am regretting it a lot !

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