Sunday, June 21, 2020

Can we please stop consuming so much fossil fuels?

Hai Biggart: No. Only if you don't have to drive a car to work... let's say if you were a Liberal environmentalist that lives off welfare and has no job.

Jess Grizzel: You first unplug your computer.

Marcellus Exler: Yeah, hold on. Oh wait, we can't. Poop.

Anibal Scheid: I like that 'so much' fossil fuels in your question. Your concern for utilising to the optimum extent of the available fuel even when we are finding out and start using alternative fuel is noteworthy.Already awareness exists and people collect at one place and use vehicle at several cities. Blending of Bio-diesel is increasingly being welcomed by several countries. But very few have enacted law authorising such a use. R & D work points towards fuel cells as one of the alternatives. Hence both individual and governmental measures are necessary to bring down or peg down the use of fossil fuels.VR....Show more

Antone Youla: I'd certainly be happy to give up fossil-fuel based engi! nes if you would come up with a workable solution to the transportation problem.Like it or not, people have to commute to and from work, school, the grocery store and elsewhere. There are many alternative sources of energy, however they are either not being explored or they are simply too expensive for those who aren't millionaires to afford....Show more

Gilberto Cratin: u are not going to change anyone's opinions here. It's not like we have any control over using fossil fuel or not. If we dont use, then we are screwed, no way to work, no way to commute.Maybe u should plead to the politicians and the big oil companies. Then again, that probably wont work. Maybe vote for a different politician next time or help research alternative energy source?...Show more

Buster Exline: I would love to. Can we have times to just have bicyles on the roads so it is safe. How about bike half hour safety times with no cars? I would love that. How about free public transp! ortation. You make it I will use it. I hardly drive so I am ! partly there. Yeah it is because I am sick and stuck in the house but oh well. I go and stock up and stay in the house, but i am stil conserving.

Jinny Dronen: no.

Donovan Stallons: NO and why should we?

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