Sunday, June 7, 2020

Horoscope 2010 Aries September?

Dewey Heersink: Your Day To Day Horoscope:For September:1st September: Dont get too swept away2nd: OMG! Try to stay calm3rd:Butterflies alert !4th:Your flirting like a pro now.5th: Your totally reeling from something yucky you witness today.6th: He's about to blow a fuse,Approach with extreme caution.7th: You feel like a brainiac.8th: Get over yourself Mrs Smug !9th: An authority figure puts you firmly back in your place10th: Good news,comes in threes.11th: Um,that new outfit?.Just no12th: If you keep a diary, its probs a good idea to use code names.13th: Someones being a bit harsh14th: Your tackling that to do list like a crazy person !. Slow down !15th: Youre growing as a peson16th:Do something today youve been putting off for a while17th: Your strength of character even suprises you.18th: Give yourself a high five!19th: Your asked for advice today !20th:Things you say could have far reaching re-percussians. 21st: Didnt think that one through !22nd:Your plates pretty fu! ll today.23rd: A parent wants to help you.24th: Your girls make you an offer you just cant refuse25th: Its a day of LOL'S26th:Yesterday makes you laugh27th:Things are looking up28th: That blip is now well sorted!.YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO TYPE ALL THAT OUT....Show more

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