Monday, August 17, 2020

names of cake decorating places?

Rayford Latz: If you already have some experience with cake decorating, you could apply directly to any grocery or bakery that sells decorated cakes.If you have no experience, you might want to take a class or two ... some larger craft stores (Michael's, for example) offer one-day beginner classes ... and if you love it, perhaps take a more advanced course through a vocational school in your area. Decorating cakes is rather a "specialty" which requires specific skills and techniques.In the meantime, you could still apply to work in a bakery ... perhaps not in a cake-decorating capacity, but just to learn basic baking skills ... take classes on the side ... eventually, you could work in catering (weddings!) or some other event-related job ... or even have your own business. But first you need to learn the basic skills.Wilton is, of course, the premier cake-decorating company ... here's a link to their site ... lots of helpful info there!http://www.wilton.com/cake/cakepre! p/baking/index.c...Good Luck!...Show more

Bettye Arre: try walmart or any other grocery store..its a start

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