Friday, May 29, 2020

What are the pros and cons of teaching high school vs. teaching college?

Keven Drumgole: Volunteer to assist a HS teacher as well as a college teacher Then go from theregrad students that teach I've met would be fantastically puzzled if a nonacademic asked to teach or guide a supplemental study session with lecture twice per week as a bonus item to their course yet I think they'd let you try

Hunter Beech: I teach in China, so the requirements are quite different, but I would most definitely take college students over high school students any day! The maturity level makes a big difference. Last semester I taught college freshmen, first year grad students and first year PhD students. My favorite class was definitely those PhD students! Their ability to actually comprehend world issues was such a relief compared to the giddiness of the freshmen! I like what someone else suggested . . . volunteer in both settings and get a first hand feel for the situations! Good luck!...Show more

Vickie Sterbenz: It would be better to teach c! ollege, as that is a guaranteed career. Lots of people are going to college every year, and it's a pretty good position, as long as you enjoy what you teach.

Russell Mckinzie: At a high school you really have to teach. At a college you can just lecture, and kick people out if they're annoying, as it's their loss of money, not your worry. A college professor has a lot more power in his classroom than does a high school teacher. You'll realize this if you become a high school teacher, the first time a you get attacked by a child, the Principal tells you he/she'll fire you if you seek representation or file a complaint, and you have to apologize to the student in front of the Parent and their Lawyer....Show more

Kenneth Thuesen: I understand that you use the term "lecturer" for a university teacher, but it's misleading the people who are answering the question. Not all university professors just lecture. Many use interactive techniques, class discussions, experient! ial teaching, etc. I don't think that's what you're asking abo! ut. It's easier to get a job at the high school/college (UK) level. University faculty usually have heavy research responsibilities as well as committee work and supervising students' theses/dissertations. On the other hand, they may have a more flexible schedule. It depends on whether you like researching and writing, really....Show more

Gaylord Barragan: (to correct a mis-assumption above, college does NOT necessarily pay better. It depends on your field.)The biggest con of high school teaching, in my experience, is dealing with parents. Many parents are either TOO involved in their child's life, or not involved enough. It's a major headache when a teacher has to deal with the results of bad parenting. In college, you (generally) deal with parents much less frequently.[Tahuti's comments suggest to me that he has never actually taught at a college. All you do is lecture??]...Show more

Burt Cheevers: Pros of high school : you only need a bachelors degree in! most states (a few require a masters) and certification. So you could get started a lot earlierCons of high school: you have to put up with discipline problems, hormonal teenagers, and kids who will lie to get you fired if they think you're mean to them (just search for 'how can I get my teacher fired' on yahoo answers).Cons of college: you need a masters degree minimum, and 4-year colleges and universities require a PhD in your field.Pros of college: you don't need any certification or education classes. You don't have to put up with cheating or discipline problems. Some kids are actually interested in what you're teaching. You get a bit more time off (but are expected to do research at a 4-year college). It pays better....Show more

Marion Wieboldt: I wouldn't want to deal with high school students in our society. Administrators have no control over students and there is a serious lack of discipline in public schools... no respect.Most students are in college ! because they want to be there. It may not be perfect but I think the at! mosphere is very different because the students want to do well, while high schoolers don't have a choice about going.Pay is better at college, and you don't need at Ph.D. at all 4-yr universities... depends on where you teach, but I know in some areas there are college professors who don't have one....Show more

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