Saturday, May 16, 2020

School Financial Aid?

Omar Phipps: If you are not enrolled, then money was returned. You are only eligible for the money if you are an enrolled student.

Marjory Stromme: The financial aid office requests funds for you only for the hours that you are actually enrolled in school. If you don't go to school, than the school does not request any funds for you. Each school year you complete the FAFSA. For example, in 2007-08 you completed the FAFSA and received full financial aid, but did not go to school. Then, in 2008-09 you completed the FAFSA again, but your circumstances changed and you are not eligible for any grants or scholarships, but this time you did go to school. In this instance, you just lost out on some free money by not taking advantage of this opportunity. On the other hand, if you receive free money every year, than you have no worries, but one never knows how financial aid will be determined from year to year. Scholarships, grants and loans are not transferable from y! ear to year. You must use it in the year you are awarded, therefore, when you receive it, use it....Show more

Alden Sabio: You don't get back the leftover money. If you don't enroll then that money is gone.

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