Friday, May 15, 2020

Question about my dog.....please answer?  

Question about my dog.....please answer?  

answers 0:So, my dog (mini toy poodle) just went to the vet this morning and the vet said he has a heart murmur...I was just wondering if any of you had an estimate of how much longer he may live. He is already 9 and is turning 10 this year, so he isn't getting any younger...I know some of you may not be the right people to ask because this is a health issue and all but if you actually may have a good guess for this could you please tell me.Thank you...Show moreanswers 1:Hart murmur's are common in dogs. I found a site you might wont to read. It has a Link to another site that has a lot more info.From what i gather they can put the dog on medication that may help!Hope this helpedBarianswers 2:sorry i dont know the answeranswers 3:CALL THE VET! It doesn't matter who in your family took him to the vet. Part of the payment is for the right to call back and ask questions a! nd ask for clarification. only YOUR vet knows how serious your dog's situation is, and so only YOUR vet can give you a valid, accurate idea of how long your dog might survive... and even that's just an educated guess. -!-answers 4:Depends on the severity of the murmur and it's cause, and whether it is treated.A minor murmur, untreated, will probably not shorten his lifespan much. A severe murmur, untreated, could result in decreased quality of life, congestive heart failure, and/or sudden death. I doubt that is the case here, so don't worry too much!If the murmur needs medical treatment (usually just one or two small pills once or twice a day, depending on the cause of the murmur), he will most likely have a good quality of life for many years.Mild murmurs are pretty common as dogs age, many of them don't need specific treatment and the dogs do very well. Those that do need treatment still do quite well. As a very rough guess, I would say he still has 2 or 3 years left! in him, of course that is without knowing exactly what's goin! g on. Best wishes to you and your little guy!...answers 5:Ask your vet...My grandma's dog had a heart murmur, and she only lived for a few more weeks. It really depends though, so dont take my word for it. Im so sorry!answers 6:I have know animals to live with a heart murmur for years and years. You just need to avoid strenuous activity and absolutely never sedate him again for any reason (ie wound repair, dental...) Then of course take him to the vet if you ever witness labored breathing at all! He probably has many good days with you still to come!!!answers 7:Well I didn't take him to the vet this morning so I couldn't ask any questions but my dad did and he said it wasn't a bad heart murmur. And they have never found anything until today so its not like his body has been struggling with it or anything.Thank you so much guys, I really appreciate it. 🙂answers 8:It truly depends on the size and location in the dog's heart. Obviously the dog has lived a log time with! out anyone finding the murmur before now so my guess is it will live a lot longer.answers 9:No-one here knows how bad the murmur is... he may not have long, he may have another 9 years.Maybe you should have asked your vet this morning?

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