Sunday, May 17, 2020

More people go to school in Canada or have higher education than people in the US?

Rose Krouse: The gross enrollment ratio of tertiary education (in the US it past high school, in Canada it's a bit different, CEGIP is considered tertiary enrollment even though grade 11 is still considered secondary enrollment in the US and the rest of Canada)In the US the ratio is 72.6%In Canada the ratio is 60%The gross enrolment ratio, tertiary level is the sum of all tertiary level students enrolled at the start of the school year, expressed as a percentage of the mid-year population in the 5 year age group after the official secondary school leaving age.This is an enrollment ratio and not a graduation ratio. So within 5 years after secondary school 72.6% of US students have enrolled in tertiary education while only 60% of Canadian students have.US ranks 1st, Canada ranks 10th....Show more

Refugio Gastineau: I agree. Those figures seem way off.Just a few years ago, Canada had the highest percentage in the world, in terms of the population with some post-second! ary/tertiary education.Over the last few years, the U.S. has seen record college enrollment levels.Enrollment does not equal attendance. Attendance does not conclude graduation.According to UNESCO, right now (well, actually stat's from a couple of years ago), of those 24-67, 46.5% of Canadians have some tertiary education, which is the highest in the world. It's 38.7% for the U.S....Show more

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