Thursday, July 2, 2020

Single Tax Status?

Lorelei Lilburn: No. Your options are married filing jointly, and married filing separately. For most people married filing jointly is the best option.

Carter Edstrom: no. you can file "married-separate"

Sol Bayn: some states will allow it...but you have few fed choices. 97 percent of the time it is better to file together

Jesusita Dykhoff: Yes....

Willa Holte: yes you can but remember that your refund (it you have one coming) will be greatly affected.

Phil Kuarez: ASK A PROFESSIONAL!!!!!!

Shandi Wedge: No. You can only file married filing joint or married filing separate. You will want to file MFJ because it is the most beneficial tax wise.

Buddy Ardd: If you were married as of 12/31/07, you can file "married filing jointly" or "married filing separately". Not single.

Gilberto Cratin: No, if you are married your choices are a joint return, or married filing separately. "Single" is not an option.

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