Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Can you cook?

Adrian Paraz: For sure..it is :) :) :)

Kenneth Thuesen: I think a lot of people will try to call out. set yourself apart by bringing windex. all it takes is getting noticed and you could have a raise or a promotion on your hands.

Wilbur Marksberry: I can , but i'm usually too lazy. I cook desserts lke brownies and cupcakes :) :) :)

Octavio Roylance: zzap2001: I like that you learn how to cook some of your dishes yourself. Sense of independence.

Michel Mccaulley: Yes ! I have my own cooking show here in Tahiti that airs every Saturday and Sunday at noon !I can cook just about anything, from lasagna to fish.My favorite are deserts !!! Like oreo pies, banana eggrolls,and banana chocolate chip muffins ! Yummy

Pam Rampadarat: No, I can barely feed myself.

Mauro Cowee: i cook a mean eggplant dish

Jana Sakasegawa: I guess. I love to roast whole chicken, bake brownies and cakes, and I like making my own pizzas and buffalo wings. It's too! easy not to make at home.

Loise Mausser: Yes, I can and do know how to cook. Whatever my heart desires at the moment, I 'd cook that dish. I'm not that good but passable.. LOL..

Augustus Sarria: Less. Much less. Kids these day are distract by computers and games, so they won't go out and party as much, like the kids from the 80s â€" i.e. drug use have gone down among teens heavily. Now, if we were to compare this between the country of Canada and The United State, we would definitely get a different result for the teens culture â€" USA, being the worse culture for teens....Show more

Eli Trapeni: we all just got a hand out that says "Thursday is office cleaning day, your desks,windows,vacuums, and we all will be participating..Think he would be mad if I called out..My house needs cleaning too

Donte Liversedge: I enjoy cooking Caribbean/West Indian dishes. Still learning new dishes.

Rickey Vrieze: I love cooking. my specialty is Mexican food

Derrick Kloke: Yes I can cook. I love to cook lasagna it'! s my favorite.

Jacques Vaquera: yes,sweet potato pie for the Holidays!

Donnell Mollo: I only know how to cook eggs. (easiest dish ever)But I really know how to bake. I bake breads, brownies, cakes, cookies....

Seema Hosfeld: put trust on someone you knew.... right? thats what the question says. actually, there must be something that i "knew" that person, instead of "knowing" him at present. maybe a distrust or cheat kind of a thing might have made me kick that person outta my life. so that would be a little hard to do, but if circumstances force me to trust him, i have no say in it. that was just the answer but you are a cute guy, your uploaded snap's really cute :D

Ron Keliipio: y?Plz stars if u find it interesting.

Mahalia Brindle: A little bit....I haven't had any complaints I guess...I like to cook Italian food...cause I love it!

Manual Burtis: Yes I can cook. My favourites are pasta of different sorts, chili, meatloaf, stuffed mushr! oom caps, grilled fish, clam chowder, hot italian sausage with mash potatoes and vegetables ( put spagheti sauce on the sausage ). Fry or grill the sausages, don't boil them unless that's the way you like them.

Mandy Mustaro: Yes, any kind of pasta dish.

Helen Zafar: yes i cook, but oh well not that good of a cook though.my favs are:cantonese braised meeroast chicken with pepperparsley potatowanna try any, babe?...Show more

Ronny Dorge: if you know them to be a liar, then no. but if you think theya re honest, yes you should trust them. but dont... go overboard and trust them with you life or anything. there is only one person that you can trust to do that, and its yourself. (there are exceptions, if you are suicidal...)

Erica Bottaro: Somewhat but computers are a necessity for some. (at school i have a laptop because my writing is horrible and i got a laptop for my birthday so i can do homework at home.) I think without game consoles, iphones, and i! -pods children and teens would spend more time with family, get out of ! there rooms and go outside! Tvs do warn people of tornados and bad weather.(like one time it was pouring rain and the winds were so strong i was almost blown away(long story)! Tv kept us up to date with the weather and stuff)...Show more

Nannie Kasee: sandwiches and cup of noddles and mac and chesse♥

Chastity Doderer: yes I like to cook(I'm not good at it) spaghetti is one of my favorites.mmmmm

Perry Deshazior: YES, I can cook...You name it, I can cook it!!!Steak or Shrimp are my favorites!!

Sherri Drakos: I am told that I'm an excellent cook.I like to cook enchiladas and lasagna.

Norris Rosener: anything but meat I cook all my meal healthy but taste great fish is my best potatoes too vegetables

Mayola Sylva: i dont have favorite dishes but yes

Mark Villifana: Trust is a must if you want to know this person well.

Boyce Gilhooly: No iphones, ipods, tv, game consoles, computers? It seems like today, more kids are doing drugs,! partying, etc.

Donte Liversedge: I make awesome toast!

Bernie Cerra: Can't cook. Won't cook.

Clemmie Burkleo: Like the computer and phone could stay because those are useful

Marvella Benward: Yes, I am told I am a good cook. Mostly Italian.

Boris Hadsall: Yep, I'm a pretty good cook. My favorite dishes are the easy ones, like chicken and marinade in tin foil baked at 350 for an hour.

Darren Heling: put a sign in his office that says "Dear guy who pays me, Boots' house needs cleaning please come over and do an excellent job or don't come at all.........P.S. I'll take that promotion anytime"then he'll probably forget about his other employees cleaning stuffno he probably just wants you to do more work for him, he's not calling you pigsthanks for the best answer earlier...Show more

Jackson Esmiol: fried roman noodles, mixed with chopped up burritos & brocoli or spinich topped with soy sauce & additional seasonings or if I'm too hungry! , the noodles & veggies are boiled & burritos are microwaved.

Kri! s Bozelle: Yes, except meat I really don't like to cook because its bloody and disgusting but I know how to. I like to make lasagne, cheese soup and bread, and Smoked chops with homemade mac n cheese in the oven.

Armando Somes: Cereal

Coy Tapley: Yes I can cook and I love making enchiladas YUMMY

Virgil Loatman: some of you guys and gals sound like you can make some real exotic dishes.

Idell Dufort: Heaven: I don't know what braised mee is exactly, but I take the chicken and potato, only if Hermonie comes along with you.

Lolita Deschamp: yes..I like to make steak pieces with broccoli in this bq sauce and mashed potatoes..the real kind.

Brock Anwar: not really. I just recently started trying to cook. I can make some mean italian dishes though, because that's the easiest to make.

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