Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Christians: Do you disagree with divorce?

Moira Woodrow: People change. Some people pretend to be all nice, and they put on a mask and u think there all great and stuff, and then u figure out they're mad. If the couple does not enjoy being together anymore, then I think that they shouldn't be. If u stay married then u r simply abusing the fact that love is supposed to be a sign of love

Willis Liburd: Yes i do, physical/ mental abuse or immaturity.

Lavelle Viveiros: I was raised in a Church and I thought marriage was forever my parents stay together for 25 years;Then they started fighting the enemy(devil) was in our home;I would cry and I didn't know then what I know now;People get married too young my parents got married at 15 no laws back then ,My dad was in World War II I was very proud of him;Until he left my mom for another women of course they play the finger game he did it First no she did ,but in time my mom die alone without any Man to hold Her hand of course she Had her kids but never trusted! another.So if your Faith is strong and you believe in God I say go for it you don't wanna be alone when you die....Show more

Leif Andreason: I disagree with it because when you get married, you are making a covenant with God. For richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for BETTER OR FOR WORSE. I have seen so many divorces, and it destroys the family, and hurts the kids.Although the Bible doesn't give any of us a excuse for divorce, I would have one if my husband was extremely abusive or threatening to me or my kids....Show more

Guy Bonamico: Divorce is a man made concept. When Moses gave them the law about the bill of divorce it was because the people were stiff necked and wouldn't except the original institution of marriage being a life long commitment. Jesus corrects the Pharisees and tells them when a man and woman become husband and wife they become one flesh which is interpretable.Many of those that heard Jesus' words could not except His truth..! ..Show more

Rheba Cockman: This is the way Jesus put it:! (Matthew 19:3-9) 3 And Pharisees came up to him, intent on tempting him and saying: “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife on every sort of ground?” 4 In reply he said: “Did YOU not read that he who created them from [the] beginning made them male and female 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’? 6 So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart.” 7 They said to him: “Why, then, did Moses prescribe giving a certificate of dismissal and divorcing her?” 8 He said to them: “Moses, out of regard for YOUR hardheartedness, made the concession to YOU of divorcing YOUR wives, but such has not been the case from [the] beginning. 9 I say to YOU that whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, and marries another commits adultery.”So, that is what i go by....Show more

Lynn Holla! rs: Divorce is permitted for Muslims with no stigma at all.http://islam-mosques-sherifview.blogspot.com/http://religion-news-views.blogspot.com/http://egypt-copts-review.blogspot.com/http://islam-theory.blogspot.com/For Christianity ... adultery. Impotency....Show more

Maurice Breuning: Christians can divorce for any immorality.

Filiberto Ranalli: Divorce is a right..I disagree with using it left right and centre. It should be available for couples who have tried to make their marriage work for a period of time but it was unsuccessful. Situations that warrant a divorce would probably be infidelity, physical or mental abuse as well as serious secrets that were not shared before gettings married.

Melissa Lavallie: Marriage is a bond that can be broken only by death

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