Monday, April 6, 2020

why cars made overcise is well put together than cars made in usa?

May Stands: I tned to disagree with you to a certain extent because I ahev owned American made cars for 20 years and a s long a si keep them well maintained they are exceptionally great! I believe in US mad e cars

Tillie Wynott: I am thinking you mean overseas?

Rose Krouse: That's a matter of opinion and how can we trust the opinion of someone who cannot or will not use spell check.

Ha Wolski: That may have been true at one time, but today most American cars are built as well as the foreign cars...and the foreign cars are often built in the U.S!

Oswaldo Rayburn: Most chinese recognize that America has higher quality.I am a manufacturer.

Pam Rampadarat: Tiny little auto factories run by pixies...

Raul Lushbaugh: One answer: American auto unions.

Olin Hallin: What the hell is overcise???? Over seas?? Maybe you should go back to school there kid...

Jen Maday: Don't get all your info from MTV kid. Consumer Reports disag! rees with your idea of 'overcise' cars.

Claude Gloden: Don't quite know where "overcise" is located, but if you are meaning overseas, you may be surprised how many of those "overseas" cars are actually made in the USA!

Cyndy Grimes: Actually most Import cars....Toyota, Honda, etc are built now in the USA. And most American cars....Chevy, Ford are built in Canada, Mexico or over sea's.The old notion that an Import is a better car cause its built over sea's is nonsense. An Import car is a better car cause it is better engineered to be a better car.GM, Ford, etc spend big money on CEO's, top brass, big parties, big showings of new cars, have huge design teams that produce 100's of cars per year but only maybe 1 or 2 will be choosen.Where Toyota, Honda etc spend their money on engineering. Making parts better, making them last longer, making fewer parts on a car that can go wrong, etc. Their design teams are small as most of their cars all look similar or have si! milar shape....Show more

Sang Hanafin: Overseas you mean! ? Not necessarily. The real question is when were they built? On what day of the week. If it was on a Monday it's probably lemon for sure. Tuesday may be a little better than Monday but Wednesday may be the best, then Thursday rolls around and the desire to get away for the weekend, then Friday, well you may as well as well just give up!!

Len Bormes: Ask the UAW. They are the ones that come along and tell you to "slow down-you're making the rest of the guys look bad- wotcha want? Time study in here?" The "floaters" that are there to take the place of the ones that don't make it to work on Monday or go home early on Friday, just don't much care either, what the heck. They get payed whether they work or not. Stats show, the average UAW worker only works 4.5 hrs. in an 8 hr. shift. It has been a fact for years that when you shop for a new car, you want to find one that was manufactured on a Wed. or Thur.!!!The very well engineered and American built foreign cars and! , in particular, Motorcycles are built by American workers IN NON UNION factories, and have productivity figures of 120% on average....Show more

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