Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Jeannine Vassie: depends on the kind of girl:P

Brock Hladik: Nothing more manly than a guy riding a motorcycle. To tell you the truth, i like Harley's better. To me it's more Masculine, but all motorcycle riders are hot.

Sharee Doak: some do and some dont but my girl friends tell me that they like guys on bikes. I'm seem to get more attention from my girld friends when i got my bike... so to me is a YESSS

Josefine Weekey: Since I started riding, I haven't really noticed any extra female attention... probably because I love riding. I wanna knee drag in the mountains, not carry a girl around town.

Agustina Stimmel: I have 8 bikes. I have no girl!!!

Jefferson Sarson: yeah my friend is a girl and she lves to dirt bike

Jonathan Schlussel: i know many ladies who have no attraction at all to a guy on a crotch rocket, they tend to like maturity

Marjory Stromme: no, girls hate guys with motorcycle. You need to go buy a Prius instead.

Sheldon Lally: yes

Mohamed Szollosi: Harleys are like a huge vibrator. If I get a woman on mine its like butter.

Elden Bardach: Yes,they're manny fagnets.Cost me my marriage.Girls were throwing themselves at me all the time.Had to get a cruiser to stop them.JK.Who cares.

Len Dalba: Just take into consideration that no all girls are the same and that some people just HATE motorcycles and their riders, they think its a dangerous sport and hobby ad hold a grudge against them, some Chicks "dig" bikers but not all do, it really is the person behind the bars that they like not the bike, but if you can do wheelies and stuff in front of them some like it but then again some don't

Miguel Densley: Girls pay attention to what kind of bike a guy is riding like guys pay attention to what kind of shoes a girl wears.Women are into status like men are into looks. If you are cool in your school you get the girls. If you are a loner with a cool bike, you stay alone! with your cool bike.

Ricky Frazer: Only the expendable ! breeders

Arlen Lopiccalo: depends on the girl...there are plenty of fender bunnies out there...some like cruisers, some like sport bikes, and some don't care as long as it has their favorite logo...or is in their favorite color......Show more

Vita Moodie: Definitely hott! Girl on a fire breathing demon of a bike is even hotter. Whatever you do, don't end up on a tiny capacity bike as that is just a major put off. To be honest, it's the bike that makes the rider. So if you went for a sportsbike then you'd be beating the guys off with a stick. Take Milla Jovovich for instance - she's pictured (5 months pregnant) leaning on a BMW K1200R and doesn't look at all out of place. A big block harley may seem a bit butch though.

Rosann Mccomb: It depends on who the driver is? It's not the bike.

Robin Weelborg: If you want to ride - do it for the love of riding and nothing else... If you cannot get a girl without a motorcycle, having one would not help you much.! Although the industry is trying to convince you in the opposite to be able to sell you their product.

Bennie Lantgen: Girls are attracted to guys. The motorcycle is just an accessory that some guys are able to use to their advantage

Jonelle Eligio: Most girls that are hot do not like sports bikes or the squids who ride them.

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