Thursday, April 30, 2020

Nervous about Retainers??  

Nervous about Retainers??  

answers 0:Okay so i went to the orthodontist 2 days ago and I have another regular appointment in 4 weeks, but then 4 weeks after that he said I will get them off. Which I am SUPER excited about I had them on for 4 years. But I’m just nervous about how to keep up with retainers cause i will most likely be getting the clear ones you wear 24/7 for 6 months. Like I’m going to be going on a bunch of trips this summer to the beach.. do you wear them while swimming and laying out? Cause I heard they can melt. Also I will be turning 21 in August this year so I’m going to be going out for a few drinks for a couple hours multiple times this year and was wondering are they allowed to be out of your mouth for that long? Same with drinking coffee in the morning I drink coffee for about and hour each morning. I don’t want them to shift. And one more thing is I am a big runner so will I be abl! e to run with my retainer? I know this is a lot but please make sure to answer all questions.. thank you so muchDental ·...Show moreanswers 1:I love getting my teeth drilled! Mhhmmm...! It feels like being abducted and experimented on by aliens.answers 2:nothing to worry about, they pop out pretty easily, just rinse them off with plain water and pop them back in, rinse again prior to bed.....answers 3:it will be scary but u have to endure itanswers 4:These are all questions you should write down in advance so you won't forget, then ask the orthodontist or assistant when you actually get your retainers.But, I can tell you what I tell the patients in the office where I work.Sunlight would not make the retainers "melt". If they were out of your mouth for a long time, and sitting in the directly sun, they *might* warp. You do not eat or drink anything other than water while the retainers are in your mouth. We also tell people to not wear them while swimming.Your orthodontist/a! ssistant should give you a case to keep the retainers in when ! you're not wearing them, and they should give you complete instructions and answer all your questions....

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