Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Polish Tantal scope rail options?

Tereasa Sorensen: Chris, thanks for the answer but the top hand guard of the Tantal is a completely unique design.

Eliseo Luma: SureFire makes a rail forend unit for the AK series. Not sure who else might. Did you try Google?*edit*http://www.tactical-life.com/online/special-weapon...looks like the SureFire unit fits to me....Show more

Foster Padgette: Just about a month ago, my brother investigated this for his Tantal. You can get a replacement forward hand guard (they're out there; just google them)-but you have to use a long relief scope for it. The only other choice is to have a side mount installed on the left side, and attach a funky looking thing that curves up and over. The side mount has to be installed by a gunsmith that has the drill patterns, though. If you try to do it yourself, you're going to end up with something that doesn't shoot anywhere near the point of aim.Because both these options would make the weapon look like crap, he just forgot! about it....Show more

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