Wednesday, April 8, 2020

how lower car insurance?

Pattie Vold: Allot of companies offer discounts for good grades so hit the books. That and don't buy a car that needs full coverage.

Malcom Bourek: Not much. you are in the category of insane, testorterone driven males that cause a ton of accidents. Try to get insurance under your parents policy if you can.

Benita Nancy: Get a car that is not popular with teenagers. A sled like something your dad would buy. Don't have to have a new car either. Think about a Cadillac hearse. Statistically, very few hearses are involved in accidents and it's the statistics which will eat you up. Think outside the box, man!

Jeremy Donohue: - Different cars can lower your rates.- Driving Ed lowers your rates.- After one year of insured driving lowers your rates.- Calling around can lower your rates. (I found one company that less than halved the cost when i was a teenager)- Some insurance companies have different ways to lower rates (installing a driving monitor in your ! vehicle, advertising... etc.)- And the most obvious but annoying... wait a few years. ;p...Show more

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