Sunday, April 12, 2020

My son was involved was rear ended and now is having his car repaired.?

Donnell Mollo: I'm not sure excactly how you would go about this but in Florida you can have the vehicle appraised for diminished value and the insurance company will reimburse you for that.You need to have it appraised BEFORE the repairs are done

Andra Oger: Well It looks like the Insurance company did not total the car. With that being said, you can request and should request, factory direct replacement parts, not after market parts. Since it was not his fault, they are obligated to do that at least. I would obviously get a rental car while it is being repaired. Other than that, baring any injuries, that's about all you can ask for. Good Luck!

Justin Casten: You could ask..but doubtful..it's being repaired as required by the policy...just make sure they use factory parts and keep a record of problems whether it's covered by your warranty or not.Repairs are not complete until you are satisfied and the car is restored.

Indira Wassell: No, why would they ! replace the car and double their costs? It is unfortunate this happened, but the damage would likely have to be over $10,000 for them to write it off. Insurance is actual cash value at time of loss, and the car would be depreciated anyway, as soon as driven off the dealer's lot.

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