Sunday, April 19, 2020

Has anyone won unemployment benefits after quitting voluntarily due to transportation issues?

Wilbur Marksberry: there are rules when it comes to what is ok for unemployment,, like if they move and it is too far from where you live that it would cost you more to still work there...then you can leave and get unemployment. im not sure how it works with not having a car and relying on the bus.. but i think the same rules may apply.. you could call and ask.....Show more

Mayola Sylva: I understand it is my responsibility to get to work, but when circumstances has happened through no fault of my own (i.e. job relocating to a different area and bus route being discontinued) these are circumstances beyond my control, If I got paid enough I would have no problems taking a taxi everyday, but unfortunately I don't. I don't believe under these current circumstances that I would have even applied for a job with the company to begin with a 6 hour commute both ways. A four hour commute is one thing, but 6 hours I wouldn't have signed up for. ...Show more

Helen Zafa! r: no, finding a way to work is your responsibility.

Jannette Kotz: if the employers relocation is "significant" then YES you can quit and be eligible for unemployment.there is NO way to know if your situation would meet the definition of "good cause" to quit. generally transportation is not the employers problem but in your case they have relocated so you may be eligible...the problem with unemployment is nothing is definite until you file and all appeals are exhausted. the state will NOT/can NOT tell you if you are eligible before you apply and they look at ALL the relevant facts. that is why you can ask the unemployment office if you would be eligible but they can NOT answer that question..... all they can do is explain the laws in general they can not answer specific questions about eligibility........Show more

Oscar Wieland: No, no one has won unemployment benefits after voluntarily quitting a job due to transportation issues. You can relocate closer to you! r job or pay for a taxi if you need to. You will not qualify f! or unemployment if you quit. Quitting, resigning, or abandoning your job are all voluntary choices to stop working and earning a paycheck. If you have no transportation, that's your problem. It's not the employer's problem. When unemployment contacts your employer to find out why you no longer work there and your employer says you quit, it becomes clear that you are unemployed by personal choice, and your claim for benefits will be denied. Voluntarily quit your job only if you have enough savings to last you until you can find another job. Being unable to work due to lack of transportation is a personal problem. You will not win an appeal for unemployment....Show more

Kassie Kay: No, and no one will.

Shena Etulain: I believe you are expected to travel upto an hour (1hr to and an hour from) either way! I just lost my job due to gross misconduct, had benefits stopped for 6 months and appealled and it has now been overturned so you can try for it :)

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