Wednesday, April 22, 2020

can the internet companies watch what am i doing on internet?

Lita Thammorongsa: Yes they can, its not legally or morally right for them too, but they can always BS something about their policies, but they won't look at anyone in particular unless you have a lot of traffic going through your connection. happened to me when i started hosting a site at my house, they didn't like it too much.

Gertrude Darke: Yes. Internet Service Providers can track every site you visit, every file you download, and anything else you do. They are required by law to keep this information. For whatever reason, however, they do not like to give away this information unless forced to by a court order. They almost never do anything if you do anything illegal, like downloading unlicensed software, unlicensed music and movies, or child porn, but I would advise against it anyway. Not only is it wrong, but there are still other ways you can be caught....Show more

Pei Heatherly: What internet companies?

Paul Maymi: no that breaks some weird pri! vacy law

Ulrike Hert: Yes, they can;  but they won't unless they have a good reason to -- illegal activity, etc., and they won't divulge any information without a court order. 

Jonathan Schlussel: What robb stated. even inspite of the indisputable fact that it incredibly is different from they have somebody observing the demonstrate while you're doing it. they save music of IP's, web content, and so on you bypass to and carry it for a volume of time. The regulation got here in those previous few years. it truly is all approximately massive Brother and 1984.

David Boehler: ISP's know EVERY site a user has EVER visited, and will provide details if forced to by a court.The illegal downloading of The Hurt Locker is a prime example of this.

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