Wednesday, June 17, 2020

I have a dental invention. I have no medical background. Who would I contact about this invention?  

I have a dental invention. I have no medical background. Who would I contact about this invention?  

answers 0:Every thing for this invention is already used for different application; I would be pulling the application together and using it for dentistry.answers 1:You could contact an established dentist if you can interest him/her in your concept.BUT,FIRST: Get a Confidentiality Agreement in order to protect yourself.The site below can be printed free. http://www.freepatentforms.com/confidentiality1.ht...Time of agreement is usually 10 years from the date.You may at least learn if it is feasible. You also may be able to contact a Dental College.Patent may be a different matter. Sounds like an improvement or another use on existing products. You may need an attorney for that.Good luck....answers 2:First you would want to talk to som! eone in the dental field about the practicallity of this item. Then find out where your local patten office is and talk to them.answers 3:it will be useless if you don't have a dental background. hate to be the one to tell you that but 99% of dental technology comes from dentists. the other 1% comes from someone that a dentists asked to make something.answers 4:Ask your dentist if the thing makes sense. If so, contact the R

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