Saturday, June 20, 2020

Alternative fuel vehicles and pollution?

Cassidy Pangrazio: there is a safe non-polluting fuel called water but u didnt hear it from me last few people who had this idea and made engines that could run on it came up missing The page you requested cannot be found. The page you requested cannot be found.We are sorry for the inconvenience.Please visit Townhall.com's homepage for a full listing of what's onlineand no that changed my mind about nothing but then again you didn't really ask a question just kinda being a dick...Show more

Davina Shindler: Could not find the article, but to answer your question, using electrical vehicles does not solve all the pollution problems, but at least it is better than having all vehicles pumping out carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If electricity can be generated in wind farms, hydro electric dams, solar panel ETC, then there will much less pollution.

Willetta Munhall: they have had option gas automobiles for years, ever when you consider that automobiles were inve! nted actual. Hydrogen is a hoax, so i wager the finest wager may be alcohol. Ethanol may decrease into nutrition provide, so methanol may be the finest source, very last 365 days it fee about a dollar a gallon to provide, which equals about 2 money a gallon compared to gas because it purely has 1/2 the skill content fabric. Race vehicle drivers were utilising methanol mixes for years. The very last serious attempt to apply option fuels changed into the most suitable in the course of the most suitable gas embargo overpricing back interior the 70s-80s. it really is safer, a lot less polluting, and affordable to make our our methanol than to purchase oil from international locations that detest us. i wager some key payoffs by technique of the saudies and oil businesses will end any pastime on being independant like it did earlier....Show more

Guy Bonamico: No industrial product can be entirely free from pollution. However, electric cars are a big improvement over gas veh! icles, no matter how electricity is made - for one very import! ant reason: It takes electricity to make gasoline.*According to the US Dept of Energy, about 6 kilowatt-hours of electricity and other energy must be expended to make each gallon of gasoline. 6 KWH of electricity is enough to power an electric car about 24 miles.*Gas cars use electricity made from fossil fuels, and also burn petroleum. Electric cars use electricity made from fossil fuels, but do not burn petroleum. So petroleum is the difference - and it's a very dirty difference.*Transporting energy to the car over the electric grid happens at about 93% efficiency. Compare this to the equivalent transport step for gasoline - trucking gasoline to thousands of service stations. So electric wins the fuel transportation step as well.*Besides all this, the electric grid keeps getting cleaner. Coal is now less than half the power on the electric grid. Most energy on the grid is cleaner for the air than coal or oil - see this diagram:*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2008_US_e! lectric......Show more

Rubi Romo: Wow you proved all my beliefs wrong with the link that went absolutley no where.Thanks bro.Brb I gotta go buy a goddamn escalade and drive it EVERYWHERE.

Elvin Weichbrodt: Known that from the beginning.

German Thal: Yeah, this is pretty well established in the scientific community, but hey, they're all just nerds, not celebrities so the general public has no interest in listening to them. (I didn't read your posted article, but I've read others, some as old as 10 years ago.) The really scary one is hydrogen-takes more energy to release the hydrogen for use as fuel than is produced as fuel. Good one.

Forest Duttinger: Actually, the not green claims have been debunked so many times that it's amazing people still bring this up. Note that no car is good for the environment but the Prius is as good as an internal combustion engine car gets.The Prius vs. Hummer study was so flawed it doesn't even pass a sniff test. The t! wo main points of the study Hummers get 300,000 miles while Prius only ! gets 100,000 miles and the batteries only last five years have been proven to be false. Most Hummers don't go for more than 100,000 miles without expensive maintenance while Prius owners are starting to report over 300,000 and more trouble-free miles. The batteries have proven to be very reliable, very recyclable, and not particularly expensive to replace.As far as the Sudbury mine and the Prius goes it's basically FUD:1. Some of the nickel for the NiHM batteries comes mainly from the Sudbury, Ontario, Canada mine. There are other nickel mines throughout the world. Toyota isn't saying how much comes from where.2. The information used by the detractors comes from the 1960s when the mine, like most all mines, were pretty bad environmentally. During the 1980s the mine was cleaned up and it now wins environmental awards from Environment Canada and others. (AFAIK, there weren't many Prius made in the 1960s and 1970s, any you find should be worth a fortune).3. Only about 1% of th! e mine's total output is used for NiMH batteries of all kinds. Much of the other 99% is used mainly for tableware and automotive chrome although there are many other uses for nickel, such as coins. This means that even if the claims were true, which they aren't, the environmental impact wouldn't change if no hybrid batteries were produced.4. All car manufactures ship materials and cars over the world. Toyota is no worse than any other. Note that most of the Toyotas sold in North America are made in North America and with 80% of parts being supplied from North America. The Prius is an exception to this. The Camry hybrid is made in the Kentucky plant.5. The Prius sold in Japan, Europe, and North America are made in Japan in the Tsutsumi Plant. There is a plant in China but Prius from there are only sold in China and I believe they are different than the ones sold elsewhere.6. The Prius is made in a zero-landfill factory (so are many other Toyotas).7. There is a plan to manufa! cture the Prius in the Mississippi plant that's currently being built. ! There is no date set when the production might start. (I believe they will start producing Corollas there until the "kinks" are worked out, though that may change).8. Most of the plastics in the Prius are bio-plastic rather than petroleum based.9. A good portion of the repair manual consists of instructions on how to recycle the various components. For example, the wiring harness can be removed with a single pull so the copper can be recycled.My 2004 Prius has cost 12 cents per mile for dealer maintenance, tires, and fuel combined over the 125,000 trouble-free miles I've driven so far and it still runs like new. It would take a lot to get me back to an old fashioned car.2004 Prius MPG from the logbook. (Complete years only):2003-2004 -- 50.8 mpg 17,628 miles2005 -- 52.6 mpg 14,688 miles2006 -- 56.3 mpg 16174 miles2007 -- 57.3 mpg 18384 miles2008 -- 59.9 mpg 21755 miles2009 -- 61.4 mpg 16177 miles2010 -- 65.2 mpg 12134 miles...Show more

Betsey Muehlbach: I think solar ! vehicle is the best as solar is renewable source of energy which is neither harmful to nature nor it will be finished

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