Wednesday, June 24, 2020

global warming? what causes it?

Kelly Bistodeau: # truth- One each nation at the complete planet besides the"the usa" has signed the Kyoto Protocol and feature decreased there greenhouse gasoline emissions. # truth -Two each and every nation and character at the complete planet besides inside the "united states of america" takes worldwide Warming seriously as being an genuine international chance to the complete planet. # truth- Three The "the usa" is the one country at the complete planet that still pumps very top phases of inexperienced condo gasoline emissions into the surroundings that is killing the planet. # truth - four The "u.S.A." is the one country at the entire planet that sees worldwide Warming as being political on the grounds that of Al Gore being the United international locations Ambassador on worldwide Warming. # reality -five within the "u.S." over 70% plus american residents all religiously believe that worldwide Warming, is the biblical revelation and the tip of the arena. That a bib! lical entity is going to come back and there all going to rapture away to heaven on clouds. # fact-Six it is most effective, "American Scientists" and "americans" who've undoubtedly now not set one foot ever outside the "united states of america" or ever traveled better than 200 rectangular miles from in which that they had been born or went to college. Who truly believes that worldwide Warming is a fable. Because of there anti Al Gore affairs of state, powerful religious ideals and what they have see on television. Additionally loss of geographical schooling and talents of the field outside the "the usa"....Show more

Kelly Bistodeau: Global warming is caused by greenhouse gasses like methane and carbon dioxide. Those gasses go into the atmosphere and trap heat in the earth so that it can not escape. Eventually all the heat adds up and the ice caps start melting.

Sonya Volcko: Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases(gases that trap heat) that accumulate in ! out atmosphere. The gases allow heat in, but not out, thus war! ming out planet. Global warming is harming the earth because it changes weather patterns(causing droughts in some areas, floods in others, and heatwaves all over), and it also causes ice that is currently frozen in the poles to begin to melt thus raising the sea level which, if they get high enough, can cause low lying areas(such as New Orleans, New York, ect.) to flood.It's relation to the carbon cycle: The carbon cycle is usually even, Animals take in O2(oxygen) and exhale CO2(carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and Plants take in CO2 and releases O2. How ever burning fossil fuels releases CO2, and now there is more than the plants can take in, which causes the earth to warm....Show more

Travis Colomb: Greenhouse Effecthttp://www.ucar.edu/learn/1_3_1.htmThe atmosphere surrounding the earth is mainly composed of Nitrogen (about seventy eight percent, and Oxygen (twenty one percent) with water vapour and various trace gases making up the rest. There are quite a few trac! e gases, such as; Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Neon, Helium, Methane, Hydrogen, Nitrous Oxide and Ozone. These gases, are often called green house gases because during the day the earth soaks up heat, and these gases act like a greenhouse trapping in the heat. Some of the heat is radiated back out into space, and if weren’t for these gases things would freeze over during the night. The issue of course is the increase in greenhouse gases, which is trapping in more heat, and causing a rise in global temperature.Climate change and the Carbon cyclehttp://www.global-greenhouse-warming.com/global-ca..."The global carbon cycle refers to the movements of carbon, as it exchanges between reservoirs (sinks), and occurs because of various chemical, physical, geological, and biological processes. The ocean contains the largest active pool of carbon near the surface of the Earth, but the deep ocean part of this pool does not rapidly exchange with the atmosphere. Below in the diagram, you can! get some idea where and how carbon is stored in the whole Earth system! . The global carbon cycle is usually thought to have four major carbon sinks interconnected by pathways of exchange. These sinks are; •the atmosphere,•the terrestrial biosphere (which usually includes freshwater systems and non-living organic material, such as soil carbon),•the oceans (which includes dissolved inorganic carbon and living and non-living marine biota),•and the sediments (which includes fossil fuels )."...Show more


Carter Dewater: Vegetarians and commies.

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