Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Who do you sue in a large corporation?

Monty Sieloff: Agent of Service. Corporations assign someone to that position, in each juristiction where they conduct business.

Sherrill Botting: You sue the corporation not a person.

Neely Youngblut: Designated agent for the corporation, on file with the secretary of state.

Norris Rosener: Who ever is listed as the resident agent of the company... Go to your local state capital website. You will be able to look up the corporation and get your information there.

Rodolfo Merel: A corporation, large or small, has to name a designated agent to receive service of process. You can find the name and address of the agent in the corporation's articles of incorporation which are on file in the State Capitol, Usually at the Department of Commerce, or Dep't of Corporations or State Treasurer/Go on line to your State Government's site. The Corporation's officers and designated agent may be listed....Show more

Irvin Guiles: you sue the corporation. To se! rve your claim on the proper person you should phone your local state companies or corporation branch. Tell them the name of the company and tell them you need the name and address for service of documents. They will be able to tell you as the corporation will have to be registred in your state to conduct business there....Show more

Clare Hoard: Most corporations have an agent that is designated in each state. Look at the Secretary of State's web page for the company and it will have it listed.

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