Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Most recent American aircraft loss?

Miguel Koczela: 6 days ago. UH-60 Black Hawk went down Saturday. The cause is under investigation, but it is not believed to have been due to enemy fire, the military said in a short statement.aside that..April 9, 2010.. a U.S. Air Force Osprey went down in southeastern Afghanistan, killing three service members and one civilian contractor in the first crash of the costly tilt-rotor aircraft in a combat zone, the U.S. military said. A Taliban spokesman said militants shot down the aircraft, but the insurgents often make exaggerated claims. NATO said the cause was still under investigation...Show more

Torri Tippey: that's what Curious1 reported, "region, region, region". What serves the armed forces business complicated is what shapes our contemporary distant places coverage. The Beast of the Bible is the conflict god Marduk and armed forces contractors are feasting at his table in this existence. not the actual voters on the front line risking existence and limb at ! this very 2nd so i don't might desire to positioned on a Shroud to bypass away my domicile, I recommend the Profiteers draining our treasury and our pocketbooks on the gasoline pump....Show more

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