Friday, March 27, 2020

Should allowance be taxed?

Cletus Makler: Only if it exceeds the minimum income level for taxation.

Terresa Tsasie: Not if the recipient is a minor. The so-called "death tax" is a whole different issue. It should be raised, because the most painless time to pay taxes is after you die.

Antwan Schrum: well unless my allowance is more than 6,000 $ a year, they dont care

Jen Maday: Allowance is household funds that have already been taxed.Having said that, when our son gets money he is expected to put a specific % away for later.

Tosha Tawney: allowance is under the table.I don't support the estate tax at least not the way it is now.

Ileen Oshell: Everything should be taxed. We should even be taxed for the air that we breathe.

Rhett Kaines: Should rich people be taxed at all?According to Conservative Logic, no

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