Monday, September 30, 2019

Is UC Davis a good UC for performing arts?

answers1: I'd think UCLA
answers2: Are you going for theatre or film? :) UCLA is going to give
a lot of film opportunities (not all, of course, but LA is the hub
for film) <br>
I'd say for acting on stage it would go UCSanFran, UCDavis, UCLA,
UCBerkeley but that's based off of what I've heard and know about the
cities and their opportunities :) I go to a small university (Western
Oregon U) and it's served me well, despite being in a small town. The
attention given is very one on one, so it has its advantages,
regardless of the city and the area. I don't know if you're looking
for somewhere to go but if you are, find people who have gone there
and compare.

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