Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Is it illegal to resell books? For example, buy books from colleges or teachers and resell them.?

answers1: No, it's not illegal. There are many websites and stores
where you can do this.
answers2: I have seen students selling books to each other. Have seen
books for sale from students on the bulletin board so not it is not
illegal. The only problem I see is that many of the books become
outdated and new verisons are updated and issued. Some colleges just
stop using a particular book.*
answers3: No. There is no law that actually exists that you broken by
reselling a book you bought legally from College, or a Teacher you
knew who sold it to you. I believe people/students sell their used
books via the Ebay site all the time. Just don't copy anything
somebody else wrote and not give the person credit for it, I beleive
that' iss copyright enfringment violation. You have to give them
credit by way of footnotes, or quotation in your written text.
answers4: It's perfectly legal. Why wouldn't it be? <br>
You can sell almost anything used when you're done with it.
answers5: It is not illegal at all. In fact many college bookstores
have buy back programs where they give you money back for your books.
The only downside to this is that the college bookstores often don't
give you much for the books. You should try http://www.bigwords.com.
They have always given me the most money back for last semester's

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