Friday, September 27, 2019

Christian Performing Arts Schools?

answers1: I see others have provided the Scripture. I believe there
will be a rapture but when and where and how many I don't know. I
can't figure out if it'll be all the Christians, or all those with a
pure heart or those who are really close to God. I also don't know,
when it comes to end time stuff, whether the rapture is supposed to
come before or during the Tribulation. Some people believe there will
be more than 1 rapture, so that if you miss one you will have time to
get your life right with God and go up in the next one. I don't
personally think it matters. So long as your heart is right and you
are living for God then you are going to heaven whether you are
raptured or not. So yeah, I believe in the rapture but I wouldn't be
disappointed if I was wrong.
answers2: I went to Olivet Nazarene University near Chicago...and
though it is NOT a Performing Arts school, it has students right now
that are in operas in Chicago. It was a good school to gain experience
and obtain a good education.
answers3: If you widen your scope to more than Christian schools,
you're more likely to find more. Some of the musicians I know aren't
Christian, and I'm not really anything. Doesn't change anything. <br>
Besides, it doesn't really matter. Choirs and orchestras perform
sacred music often.

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