Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Is a book fair cheaper than a book store?

answers1: Books are FREE in England :D
answers2: Not sure how the book fairs work in your school, but in
ours, there is no tax added on (since it's a fund raiser) which makes
the book a bit cheaper. There were several titles at our book fair
that I couldn't find at Barnes and Noble in a paperback, so that makes
the book fair a bit cheaper. Overall, though, the prices were the
same as the chain book store.
answers3: its cheapper on a book fair.. they have more kinds of books
and sometimes the editorial is there and they have their books on
answers4: The Union Church of Manila has a individual library which
you'll be able to become a member of for P200/yr. Their assortment
isn't large, however for that variety of cash, if you'll be able to
borrow say 50 books a yr, that is simply P4 in step with learn. Also,
in Cubao, close the historical Marikina Shoe Expo, there are
historical retail outlets that present used items, moment hand books,
and so on. For P20, you'll be able to decide upon up paperbacks and
P40+ for hardcover books.
answers5: Sometimes. But they're always cheaper on the last day of the
fair-- no one wants to pack them up and haul them back to where ever
they came from. You'd be surprised what kind of deals you can get.

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