Sunday, September 8, 2019

author question for mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme?

answers1: Your asking yourself you answer it... <br>
jk <br>
matters how good your books are...
answers2: Depends on the author really. The author of "Harry Potter"
would get a LOT more money than the author of "Chocolate Recipes." But
authors are usually quite poor - except if they wrote a best-selling
book, which pretty much means that they suck at writing.
answers3: depends on weather your books are popular and picked up by a
good publisher <br>
otherwise prolly not millions
answers4: it really depends on the genre and if its good or not <br>
but don't hope millions
answers5: The average author in the UK makes about 25% of the national
average wage. Don't give up the day job :)
answers6: Depends on the book, but unless you make it really big and u
get famous, about 5,000-10,00 dollars a year.
answers7: Probably nothing. Many people nowadays have to pay to
publish their own books and take the risk themselves. If it's good,
and you can somehow get it promoted, maybe you'll make your money
back. Only a few authors get rich.
answers8: Over 90% of authors will only make a few thousand dollars a
year. JK Rawling and a few others are much better paid.

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