Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Do you know any interesting authors?

answers1: <a href="http://www.madeline"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.madeline</a> L'Engle who wrote
many books including A Wrinkle in Time <br>
I have heard good things about Octavia Butler but I have not read any
of her stories yet <br>
I would do it on Scott Sigler but it would be hard to get facts right
but he is one of the first authors to podcast the audio of his books
and one of the few to get a big house publishing contract. <br>
Astrid Lindgren would be very interesting too. She wrote Pippi Longstockings
answers2: if you wanna go classic awesome: jane austen or alexandre dumas <br>
If you wanna go newer and totally crazy: Kurt Vonnegut is an amazing
author. <br>
I don't know what grade you are in but these are all interesting: <br>
christopher moore <br>
jrr tolkien (lord of the rings)
answers3: JK Rowling is pretty fascinating.

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