Friday, September 13, 2019

Do you know how to dance?

answers1: Yeah, I can dance like a total retard. That's how I attract
the ladies. MMMMM CHECK ME OUT *dances*
answers2: I can't dance worth a $h!t..but I would love to watch you
shake that booty! :D
answers3: Yes......
answers4: I suck but have a few beers I think I'm a star. Lol
answers5: sure i'll dance with any bro
answers6: groove to the rhythm...that's as much as i know
answers7: I'm hard to keep up with. I'm a professional.
answers8: Indeed I can. <br>
(and I don't need to be drunk or high)
answers9: Nah... The LAST Time I tried, -I BlueCrossed 3 innocent
Bystanders -who had gotten too Close !! ;)
answers10: I've never danced before in my life, but I would certainly
love to dance with you! <br>
*shakes penis*

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