Thursday, February 20, 2020

should religion be excluded from philosophy?

Virgil Menefee: You may or may not want to hear this but all religion is man made, spirituality isn't. Follow your own beliefs, ask questions. That is what philosophy is about---ASKING QUESTIONS. There is a big difference between Knowledge and Wisdom.

Lyman Gauld: Oh, no, I don't think so. Religious thought throughout the ages and up to the present presents concepts that are inseparable from the development of every civilization. How can you possibly exclude it? We are influenced by every "external" aspect of the cultures we grow up in and/or are exposed to, including religion. To pretend that religion has not had an effect on the development of thought/philosophy is anti-historical and anti-intellectual.I also don't follow your reasoning that religion is only representative of "a time long past." There are many religions that continue to debate philosophical/theological points in the context of contemporary life....Show more

Marion Wieboldt: religions have go! ds and philosophy is a way fo life

Betsey Muehlbach: im talking about if you were to , i dunno, create a new way of looking at ethics. if you were to involve religion your ethics would only be applicable to those of your same religion, since you allowed your religious beliefs to intermingle with your of beliefs. and i agree all religions are man made, completely of human creation.

Letitia Bigelow: NOTHING should be excluded from philosophy.

Isreal Kochheiser: ... only time will tellGREAT question btw!

Dan Seen: You have it turned around, philosophy is where most current religions take their inspiration.The three main monotheistic religions would not exist in there current form without Platonic idealism.Religions embrace a philosophical system that conflicts with modern standards of epistemology.

Lita Thammorongsa: ...religion is a creation of man......philosophy is man's opinion......each religion therefore is just another opinion...with a la! rge following......NO...

Kaylee Schmittou: Religion is a! separating or sorting tool. No more, no less>Love and blessings Don

Wally Gower: I'd consider religion to be a form of philosophy but let's not argue about definitions. Religion is not just in the past else nobody would be religious today.

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