Friday, October 25, 2019

What is your definition of ART?

answers1: For me, art is all about the artist's intention. If the
person creating it intends it to be art, then it's art, imo. <br>
A famous artist named Marcel Duchamp once put a urinary (male toilet)
on a stool and called it art. He had a lot of reasoning for that and
the main purpose was to make viewers ask themselves 'What is art? Is
this art? Why/why not?' To me, what he did is art. If he had just put
it there and made up some BS about it, it wouldn't be art. <br>
To me, art isn't just about how attractive something is to the eye.
It's also about concept and thought.
answers2: The new age arts are a product of industrial revolution. The
development in technology lead to the use of various techniques in
creation of these arts. <br>
check this link : <br>
answers3: Depends. Do you mean Visual art? If so, I see it as anything
that took time, effort and creativity to make. I don't consider
tracing and bases are because they don't take effort or creativity.
answers4: If the artist thinks of it as art, then it is art. <br>
That doesn't mean it's GOOD art.

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