Wednesday, October 2, 2019

What branch of philosophy are you intrested in?

answers1: My own Philosophy..and the Philosophy of The Greek wisemen.. <br>
I can enjoy a wide view, except too much politics and very skeptical
intriguing idea.. <br>
that permits too much doubts/ or otherwise as well whereas topics
aren't alllowed to grow..for it seemed to be all concluded with much
confidence. <br>
I love the objective and subjective part as well..Moral philosophy is
also great. <br>
Love the philosophy of the mind, somewhat analytical. Aristotle is one
of the great contributor of this. <br>
I love Epistemology, Logic, and Aesthetics.. <br>
Rationalism is also very interesting.. <br>
Good day dear!!
answers2: Although as of yet, I'm not an expert on any area of
philosophy, th area of philosophy that seems the most interesting to
me at face value is that of Economic Philosophy. Adam Smith, Karl
Marx, John Maynard Keynes, amongst the like, have really captivated my
attention. On the other end of the scale, I'm not so fond of
philosophies pertaining to the nature of God. It always almost ends up
in a mere conundrum.
answers3: Logic is my fav!
answers4: My interests lie in neurophilosophy/extended mind thesis and
phenomenal consciousness
answers5: Honestly all of them. I think that religion and philosophy
greatly overlap. <br>
If you do not mind I have an open question that may or may not strike
your interest. Here is the question and the link if you care to take
a look: I am as of now planning on repeating the question
substituting Christianity and others, my own religion included, but
perhaps only one a week. Not sure yet. <br>
Is Atheism nothing more than a Potemkin village? <br>
<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100303190858AAGQQAd&r=w"class=Clr-b>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...</a>
answers6: Anything deals with human love.
answers7: I'll assume moral includes spiritual right? Spiritual
philosophies can bring you to a wide range of perspectives especially
with those whom have years of first hand experiences to share, if they
will. There is a huge untapped source for you, but you need to have an
open mind and a wide range of interests and experiences in order to
appreciate it's depth for yourself.
answers8: Philosophy of language, Ancient Philosophy and Philosophical
Method. Right now I'm writing a paper on a Wittgenstein-inspired
critique of Plato's method of Collection and Division for a class of
mine, and it's like the perfect combination of my main interests. It's
a lot of fun :D
answers9: Myffleophocy.

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