Thursday, October 24, 2019

what art school is better?

answers1: Quick note: Art majors are not finding jobs. <br>
I know of 2 friends. <br>
One found a job after 4 years of searching at Taco Bell. <br>
She is now night assitant manager. <br>
The other found a job as a bagger, lifting 50 pound sacks all day. <br>
Please look at the statistics out there. Please ! <br>
I know you should follow what you love in life and learn fun things. <br>
But please make sure you can put food on the table when you are 30. <br>
Seems sad that they never found jobs and now they hate their lives.
answers2: Art institute is a horrible school so don't go there at all.
As for silly goose, you know nothing about how the art field works.
I'm pretty sure your 2 friends didn't have versatile skills for why
they suffered finding jobs not because they studied art. There are
many other people who are able to find jobs outside of food stores
with an art degree, don't generalize like you know it all.
answers3: "Art Institutes" is a strong of worthless for-profit
colleges designed to separate gullible students from their money. <br>
Incidentally, very few graduates can make a living in Fine Arts.

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