Friday, October 4, 2019

questions about philosophy?

answers1: Actions like getting up out of bed, taking a shower and
getting dressed for work, eating breakfast, driving to work do not
require any philosophy at all to do those things. Talking with
friends at work or interacting about work to get our jobs done doesn't
either. Paying bills and any family obligations same thing. In
general things we are obligated to do for our survival do not engage
any kind of philosophical debate or discussion in them at all. I
could substitute work for school and get the same kind of answer. <br>
To my mind a philosophy can be just an idea or ideas that a person
like a leader is governed by to rule his country. When one who is an
opponent or an ally understands the primary motive of the leader in
that sense he can understand in what direction and destination he is
taking this country to. <br>
A leader can be driven by ideas that show man as a part of the natural
world and therefore subject to the same behaviors of the world and
therefore needs to be controlled as such by a ruling body. That there
is no connection to the past and that any vestige or leadership of the
past must give way to the new authority of today. And that all future
political and other social interaction must be a collective venture
and individual freedom is denied and even disdained. <br>
Or a leader can be guided by a spiritual view of man where individual
worth and responsibility are promoted from the leader on down to the
people. With the clearest understanding that all is connected in
history in the past, present, and future so that that awareness is
promoted and taught and passed as the present and future hope for the
country's survival. <br>
Well that's my thought. Take care. This is a good question.
answers2: 1 Going to the toilet <br>
2 Sure. Especially the philosophy of how power corrupts and is abused.
I live in a society where the value of the society itself is higher
than the value of the rights of the individual, and I don't like this.
answers3: Wherever there is logic, there is philosophy. In belief
system, there is no logic and therefore no philosophy.
answers4: 1. Philosophy can be applied to anything in life, any action
you take, any thought or beliefs you hold, Philosophy can be generally
applied. <br>
2. Philosophy can indeed reflect the present situation of our country,
Sociological Thinking in a sense would be best used to describe the
act of looking at a nation from a Philosophical viewpoint. From our
insight on the laws, morays, norms, and factors of a society we are
philosophically trying to understand society and the country we live
answers5: 1) No. <br>
2) We have come to worship the media, and accept their presentations
rather than doing our own thinking.

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