Thursday, October 3, 2019

What is the most fundamental definition of Philosophy?

answers1: The purpose of philosophy, as science, is to organize the
chaos of the world, by consciously putting ideas of the universe into
simplistic rational structures. To do this is to take away the
confusion, lesson the awe, but keep the wonder, and it is to educate
mental repose, and create more accountable human beings. The love of
truth, which is philosophy is the attempt to evolve the rational mind.
answers2: the search for proof of gods existance
answers3: Any question that can start a debate...
answers4: The study of when and why things happen. Thats the most
basic it can be broken down to. Its all about opinions and those who
can accept the widest and considered to be the wisest.
answers5: Translating from the Greek word for it, the definition is
"love of wisdom"
answers6: Love of wisdom <br>
Philos = love <br>
Sophy = Wisdom. <br>
It is what it means. <br>
Can't get more fundamental than that!
answers7: Philosophy is thinking about something.
answers8: philosophy is the systematic study of all things/beings in
their ultimate causes/principles by the use of human reason alone...
in layman's term love of wisdom... ü

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