Sunday, October 6, 2019

Poetry website???

answers1: Poetry.com
answers2: hard stuff. do a search with bing and yahoo. it will help!
answers3: poetry.com is a good website, but make sure you give credit
or it's plagiarism.
answers4: www.poetry.com <br>
www.lovequotesandpoems.com <br>
hey i wrote a war poem that was published maybe i can help- it's on
www.poetry.com <br>
when you go to it <br>
and look for an author <br>
type in amber alaniz <br>
hope you like it
answers5: Check out Voltage Poetry! It's a really neat blog that posts
kickass poems with epic turns, or points where everything in the poem
shifts and becomes something different. They also post accompanying
essays that discuss why the turns are so effective. It's really
helpful for analyzing poems and also exposed me to some awesome poetry
that's definitely worth a read. <br>
http://voltagepoetry.com/ <br>
Structure and Surprise is another great blog that posts articles and
essays discussing and analyzing poetry, especially what makes poems
surprising and exciting. <br>
: g o o g l e DOT com
answers7: poems ,com
answers8: why do you ask a question like that and lose 5 pointsn while
you can search for it from google...
answers9: Look at The Verse Marauder
answers10: barkingspiderspoetry.com <br>

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