Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Pro-Choicers - How is this o.k.?  

Pro-Choicers - How is this o.k.?  

answers 0:If you are pro-choice, I would like for you to tell me why it is o.k. for someone to murder the baby growing inside her. It is a fact that these babies are alive, have conciousness, and can FEEL everything that is being done to them during the abortion. Even the scientific community recoginizes these babies as persons.What do you think when you look at these pictures? How is this o.k.? http://www.100abortionpictures.com/Aborted_Baby%......Show moreanswers 1:You can't argue with someone who has no regard for facts. Your question is so riddled with lies, half-truths, and fallacies that it's pointless to try to explain the truth to you. Bad science will not turn your beliefs into reality.answers 2:You ask how is this OK. I'm not sure I can answer that, but let's put your whole question in persepctive. What if we ask it another way - why isn't this OK? We! ll obviosuly the answer you would make is that becasue the fetus is a person and killing people is wrong, morally wrong. But here's the problem. You cite science and medicine for determining that a fetus is a person. You tell us that these are facts based on scientific evidence (which I do not doubt). But science also tells us that evolution is fact; we evolved over thousands of years from single cell organisms. We were not, according to science created by an all powerful Creator. There is no morality in science. No right and wrong. One creatue survives because it can best adapt to its environment. Another cannot because it cannot. This is natural selection. The problem with your question is that you use science to dictate a moral judgement. If there is no God and no right and wrong, then why shouldn't someone have an abortion? Scientifically, the process of natural selction dictates that the weaker species (persons) must die out. Perhaps abortion is natural s! election's way of making that happen? All that being said, I ! think abortion is morally wrong and I do believe in a greater power in the universe. My point is simply that relying on science as the reason women should not have an abortion is a slippery slope, because science, without the burdens of morality or any sense of right or wrong, are just as strong an argument that there is nothing wrong with abortion....answers 3:As a pro choice mother of 3 with 1 on the way, one i lost to a late term miscarriage I can honestly say that it is NOT ok for a woman to murder a baby. Its not okay for anyone to murder a baby. The majority of abortions are performed very early on when the embryo has not even reached fetus status. They are not murdering a baby. Unfortunately this is one of those instances where the people on both sides of the fence will not EVER agree. To people who consider themselves pro life...the embryo is a baby the moment that sperm enters that egg, to some people who consider themselves pro choice that embryo or fetus ! is just that, not a living human being, yet. While I am pro choice, adamantly, i am also of the belief that my babies are babies the moment they implant in my uterus and start growing, that is why I would never, and have never had an abortion. I don;t think that my personal belief on the subject gives me the right to tell Miss Suzy Q down the road that the baby she is carrying should mean as much to her as mine mean to me. She has the right to feel about pregnancy how she wishes to. This is a freedom the Supreme Court has given her, and she is completely within her rights to exercise it. My mom was not given the right to choose when she was pregnant, and that outrages me. my mother was and is a very intelligent woman who can make up her own mind about anything that has to do with her. She should have been seen as a capable human being who can decide what to do with her body, and she should have the right to all the correct information in order to make that decision. ! Just as all women should be seen that way.That being said, I do not su! pport abortion as a form of birth control. Third trimester abortions are not common, as much as people would like to make us think they are. Third trimester abortions can be legally performed when there is proof that the mother will not survive the pregnancy or the child will be unable to live outside of the womb. Notice I say legally, brings me to my final point. If abortions are made to be illegal once again, what exactly do you think will happen? Will abortions magically stop and every baby will be brought up by loving parents? No abortions will continue in back alley clinics and at home on the bathroom floor with coat hangers. Women will die because they have been forced to take matters into their own hands, and if you have no problem with that, then I would ask, how pro life are you really?...answers 4:Mighty_Whitey What lies and half truths are you talking about? It is all scientific FACT. Show me, explain to me, give me some perspective on why this is o.k. ! I really want to know. I really do consider all opinions as long as they are backed with fact. I am not closed minded. I have based my opinion on the facts that I have recieved. Give me more facts to change my opinion if you can....answers 5:WARNING!!!! These pictures are graphic. Don't bring up this site if you are squeamish.answers 6:Do you really think you'll get an answer that makes sense?Pro-abortionists are simply thinking that they can be irresponsible when it comes to sex and simply destroy the evidence.They will make all sorts of excuses about why it is similar to a dental procedure to salve their consciences but deep down, they all probably know that what they are doing is uncivilzed, irresponsible and selfish. If not, they do not possess the traits of humans themselves.It is the ultimate irresponsibility for an irresponsible act; It seems that to them, getting pregnant is a mystery, it isn't caused, it just happens....answers 7:Regarding Science and Medicin! e: Currently, all valid science and medicine is 100% clear that a fetus! is a person. Practically, 100% of a person's genetic makeup is determined at the moment of conception. Science and medicine define being a person (human) by genetic means. According to science and medicine, a fetus is a distinct organismSource: http://www.mrdata.net/books/9reasons.htm...

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