Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Help pregnant dog need info!!?  

Help pregnant dog need info!!?  

answers 0:I need info on how to care for a prego dog!! I found her in the road and took her to the very and she's healthy but she's also pregnant well she's about a month a little more so she's almost due but i don't know what to expect when she's going to have them any info would help pls and thanksanswers 1:See if your vet can get you in touch with some good breeders for help. Call them or your vet if you have any questions from now until the puppies are weaned.answers 2:If I ever don't know how to do things, I always go to eHow, its basic information but its a very good start. I hope you can use it for help also. I read through it briefly and it has some good care instructions. Good luck with your puppies. It was sweet of you to take them in.answers 3:If you took her to the vet then they should have been able to answer any questions you may have had. But, a dog is pr! egnant for 63 days. Which in your case doesn't matter because you don't know the exact date of conception.. However if she is a little over a month, expect puppies in about 1 1/2-2 months. You need to take her back to the vet, to get a xray or ultrasound whatever they do, to see how many puppies she is due to have. This will make is a lot easier and a lot less stressful when she is in labor having the puppies. You will know how many to expect and know if she has not given birth to all of them. I cannot give you all the details over yahoo answers so really, your best bet would be to take her back to the vet for a xray, and then take a note pad with you and ask all the questions you have and write down the answers. Good luck! And thanks for taking her off the streets :)...answers 4:1.take her to a vet,2.give her lots of food (but not to much 3)if u plan on giving away her pups wait till their 8weeks oldanswers 5:Do you have any idea of breed. Small dog are more ! likely to need a c-section. google dog pregnat ! for details. be sure to have her vet checked.Thank you for rescueing heranswers 6:There are so many steps I can not tell you but 2 weeks befor due date start giving her puppy food this will in sure she will stay healthy and so will the pups . within a week of due date get x ray to see if she can have the pupps and to know how many she has then around the due date take her temp three times a day when it hits below 98 she is in nonactive labor . When she starts digging grawling and grunting she is in active labor( contractions start). What's for contractions( looks like she's trying to poop or pee a lot... A sack will come out of her well u know keep scrape cloth on hand to hold the pup with .... Steps for healthy living pups ..1. Ignore the umbilalcord at first get the sack off of the puppy tilt the puppy's head down and rub its chest till it cry's you may need to get( do you know the bulb things you get to clean your ears out with it sucks out things) ! set the tip of the bulb in the pups mouth and suck out the fluids.... And then continue to rub it chest when you hear a strong cry . 2. Get dental floss and tie the base of the unbiacal cord off then use dull scissors or finger nail and cut the cord ( on the side attached to the water sack) its best to cut it but a scraping motion to prevent bleeding to death do not pull on the cord .3 keep a log of the time pup born ,birth weight, and color of pup 4. Get puppy nursing on mothers milk it needs the special milk only the mother can make called colostrum. With out this pup will die in a week no matter what.Weigh the pups morning and night keeping a chart for a week or two then u can weigh once a day and at 5 week you can weigh once a weekIt is normal for it to take many hours to birth don't worry till the first water sack is born if no pup is born with in two hours take to vet some mother dogs can go up to three hour between each pup ... O and to take her temp get ky jelly an! d a human thermometer .. Lumbercate the tip of the thermometer and in! sert the tip into her but hole she my wiggle around but I promise it will not hurt her...

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